SEA: Quick Wizard

Note: Quick Wizard is only available to SEA System Admin users.

The Secure Equipment Access (SEA) Quick Wizard provides a simplified process to configure remote client access. Quick Wizard includes the following two process options:

  • Install an SEA Agent
  • Connect to an Asset

Each procedure can be used independently.

Note: You can access the SEA documentation by clicking the link at the top left corner of the screen. QW_Blank

Install and configure an SEA Agent for a device

  1. Click Quick Wizard.
  2. Select Install SEA Agent, click Start Configuration.



  1. In the Install SEA Agent screen, select an existing Network Device from the list. Click Next. The Advanced Configuration screen opens.

QW_Install Agent

  1. The Advanced Configuration screen opens. The Advanced Configuration screen differs according to the device that is selected (router or switch).

Note: For information on router or switch configuration, see SEA: HTTP(S) proxy support or SEA: Multi-VLAN and Static IP support.

Advanced Configuration Screen


  1. When you have configured the network device, click Deploy. It can take 3-5 minutes to enable the device.

Note: If the installation fails, a Deployment Failed screen opens with the reason.

Connect to a remote asset

  1. From the Quick Wizard, click Connect to Asset.

Connect to Agent

  1. Select the Network Device.

Connect_to Asset_2

  1. In the Connect to Asset screen, enter the Asset Name and the IP Address.

Connect to Asset

  1. In the Configure Access Method screen, enter the Access Method for the Connected Asset.

Note: All access methods are available Except SEA Plus. Click here for more information on using SEA Plus as an access method. 

Connect to Asset_01

  1. Enter the information for that Access Method. For information on each access method, see Access Methods.
  2. (Optional) Choose an existing group in the Assign to an Access Control Group field.

Note: To assign an Access Control Group from this screen, the access group must already be created. Click here to manage and schedule groups.

  1. When finished, click Next test the configuration.
  2. Click Validate Test Method to launch the remote session to the Connected Asset.


  1. Click Complete. The newly added network device a listed in the network device table in System Management.