Phase 1 - Installing Cisco IOS and Configuring the Switch
This section describes how to perform the following procedures:
- Upgrading Cisco IOS
- Configuring Cisco IOS to enable Cisco IOx
- Configuring user privileges
The Cisco IOx Linux host of an IE 4000 Series device synchronizes its time to Cisco IOS every 12 hours after the initial bootup. No user configuration is required to initiate this synchronization or to modify clock settings.
Upgrading Cisco IOS
Before you can use Cisco IOx on an IE 4000, you must upgrade Cisco IOS on the device to version 15.2 (5) E1 or a later version that supports Cisco IOx. The factory-installed IOS version on a device does not support Cisco IOx. (The Cisco IE 4010 does not support Cisco IOx.)
To upgrade Cisco IOS on an IE 4000 Series, perform the following steps.
Note: These steps explain how to upgrade Cisco IOS by using the UI of a switch. If you prefer to upgrade Cisco IOS by using the CLI, follow Step 1 below, and then see the “Upgrading a Switch by using the CLI” section in the Release Notes for your switch.
Go to the Cisco Software Download web page, navigate to the latest software release for your switch, and download the software image to your local PC.
The image must include “iox-tar” in its file name. For example, ie4000-universalk9_iox-tar.152-6.2a.tar.
The following figure shows an example of the Software Download page:
Log in to the web-based UI of the switch as a user with the Admin privilege.
Choose Admin > Software Update.
Click the OS/IOS+IOx Image radio button and then click Browse….
Navigate to and select the Cisco IOS software image that you downloaded in Step 1.
Click Update and follow the prompts to install the software.
Configuring Cisco IOS to Enable IOx
To configure Cisco IOS on an IE 4000 to enable Cisco IOx, follow these steps.
Log in to the web-based UI of the switch as a user with the Admin privilege.
Choose IOx > IOx Network Settings.
Configure the options as needed, and then click Submit.
For detailed information about configuration, see Installing and Configuring an IOx Image on a Cisco Industrial Ethernet 4000 Series Switch, which is available here:
The following figure shows an example of Cisco IOx network settings configuration:
To verify the Cisco IOx infrastructure and processes are operating properly, choose IOx > IOx Status and make sure that options show OK or Running, as shown in the following figure:
Configuring User Privileges
Before using Cisco IOx for application management, either through Cisco Local Manager or ioxclient, a user must authenticate with IOx. Cisco IOx relies on the IOS local user database for this authentication. These users must have a password with privilege level 15 in IOS.
To make this configuration for a user, log on to your switch and issue the following commands:
```User privileges example
// Enter the configure terminal mode
switch#conf terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
// Add privilege level 15 for user johndoe
switch(config)#username johndoe privilege 15 secret !john^*!doe!123!
// Enter end to get out of configure terminal mode
// Save the configuration
switch#wr mem