Subscription Services List

This table shows what services are available through the Provisoning v2 API surface. Some services depend on other services, e.g. to be able to make international calls, you need the VOICE_OUT_INTER service but also the general VOICE_OUT service, as shown below in the Requires services column. This allows an operator to quickly block access to all voice services by removing only the VOICE_OUT service. Some services are configurable, examples are provided under Configurable services.

Service name Description Available in APIv1 Available in APIv2 Requires services
DATA Data allowed Y Y -
DATA_2G_3G Data on 2G and 3G networks allowed No Y DATA
DATA_2G_3G_ROAM Data on 2G and 3G networks allowed while roaming No Y 1 DATA, DATA_2G_3G
DATA_4G Data on 4G networks allowed No Y DATA
DATA_4G_ROAM Data on 4G networks allowed while roaming No Y 1 DATA, DATA_4G
DATA_5G Data on 5G networks allowed (5G NSA also requires DATA_4G) No Y DATA
DATA_5G_ROAM Data on 5G networks allowed while roaming No Y 1 DATA, DATA_5G
DATA_HIGHSPEED Data allowed at high speed Y No 2 -
DATA_TETHERING Share data through tethering Y Y DATA
MMS_IN Incoming MMS Y Y
MMS_IN_ROAM Incoming MMS while roaming No Y 1 MMS_IN
MMS_OUT Outgoing MMS Y Y -
MMS_OUT_ROAM Outgoing MMS while roaming No Y 1 MMS_OUT
MMS_OUT_INTER Outgoing international MMS Y Y MMS_OUT
MMS_OUT_INTER_ROAM Outgoing international MMS while roaming No Y 1 MMS_OUT, MMS_OUT_ROAM, MMS_OUT_INTER
PRODUCT_BUNDLING Include products from ecosystem Y Y
ROAMING All roaming services, incl. network attachment Y Y
ROAMING_DATA Data access while roaming Y Y
SMS_IN Incoming SMS Y Y
SMS_IN_ROAM Incoming SMS while roaming No Y 1 SMS_IN
SMS_OUT Outgoing domestic SMS Y Y -
SMS_OUT_ROAM Outgoing domestic SMS while roaming No Y 1 SMS_OUT
SMS_PREMIUM Premium content SMS Y Y 3
USER_CS_BLOCK_IN User block of incoming calls No Y 1
USER_CS_BLOCK_OUT User block of outgoing calls No Y 1
USER_CS_BLOCK_OUT_INTER User block of outgoing international calls No Y 1
USER_CS_BLOCK_OUT_INTER_EXEC_HOME User block of outgoing international calls, except to home country No Y 1
VOICE_CALLER_ID_PRESENTATION Enables caller ID presentation on voice calls. No Y
VOICE_CALLER_ID_RESTRICTION Enables caller ID restriction on voice calls. No Y
VOICE_CALLWAITING If busy, let new callers wait instead of dropping with busy tone No Y 3
VOICE_CONFERENCE Enables setting up conference calls. No Y 3
VOICE_IN Incoming calls Y Y
VOICE_IN_ROAM Incoming calls while roaming No Y 1 VOICE_IN
VOICE_MISSED_CALL_ALERT Send alert when missing a call Y Y -
VOICE_OUT Outgoing domestic calls Y Y -
VOICE_OUT_ROAM Outgoing domestic calls while roaming No Y 1 VOICE_OUT
VOICE_OUT_INTER International calls Y Y VOICE_OUT
VOICE_PREMIUM Premium content calls (classified by operator) Y Y 3
VOICE_PREMIUM_ENTERTAINMENT Calls towards premium entertainment services (classified by network) No Y 1 3
VOICE_PREMIUM_INFO Calls towards premium informational services (classified by network) No Y 1 3
VOICE_VOICEMAIL Voicemail service Y Y
VOICE_VOLTE Voice calls over LTE Y Y 3
VOICE_VOWIFI Voice calls over WiFi Y Y 3
VOICEMAIL_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION Disable voicemail notifications Y Y

1 When migrating from APIv1 to APIv2, WG2 need to enable this service for your tenant's network core first, so your configuration takes effect.

2 DATA_HIGHSPEED is being deprecated in favor of setting data speed explicitly through the configuration in the DATA service instead. The DATA_HIGHSPEED service is still effective during the process of migration.

3 Services otherwise applicable to user this service applies, i.e. calling a premium number from abroad also requires the services you would need for a general call from abroad.

Configurable services

All updates to the config object will replace any current config for that subscriber and service.


Configuration currently optional for transitional purposes.

  "servicename": "DATA",
  "config": {
    "speed_bps": 256000


A full description of how to work with product bundling is offered here.

USER_CS_BLOCK services

These services allow the subscriber, when provisioned by the operator, to block incoming or outgoing CS calls on their handset. "active": true activates the block as operator, the subscriber can unblock on their handset. "active": false sets it to inactive, the subscriber can activate it on their handset.

  "servicename": "USER_CS_BLOCK_IN",
  "config": {
    "active": true
  "servicename": "USER_CS_BLOCK_OUT_INTER",
  "config": {
    "active": false


Active flag determines restriction mode, which is either permanent or temporary. "active": true represents permanent restriction of caller ID, presenting caller ID is not configurable on handset. "active": false represents the temporary restriction mode, where the network default is to present the caller ID. This mode enables the subscriber to configure visibility on handset.

  "config": {
    "active": true
  "config": {
    "active": false


  "servicename": "VOICE_CALLFORWARD",
  "config": {
    "unconditional": "46701234567"

The above results in always forwarding incoming calls to the specified number. "unconditional_active": true is derived from the presence of a valid number for the unconditional attribute.

  "servicename": "VOICE_CALLFORWARD",
  "config": {
    "unconditional": "46701234567",
    "unconditional_active": false

The above sets a number for the unconditional forwarding but does not activate any call forwarding.

  "servicename": "VOICE_CALLFORWARD",
  "config": {
    "busy": "46701112233",
    "unreachable": "46702223311",
    "no_reply": "46703331122"

The above enables conditional forwarding to the specified numbers. They are all active by default as the numbers are valid.

  "servicename": "VOICE_CALLFORWARD",
  "config": {
    "busy": "46701112233",
    "busy_active": false,
    "unreachable": "46702223311",
    "unreachable_active": true,
    "no_reply": "46703331122",
    "no_reply_active": false

The above sets numbers for the three conditional forwarding rules, but only enables call forwarding for when the subscriber is not reachable.

  "servicename": "VOICE_CALLFORWARD",
  "config": {
    "unconditional": "46701234567",
    "busy": "46701112233",
    "unreachable": "46702223311",
    "no_reply": "46703331122"

The above sets numbers and activates all varieties of forwarding. Active unconditional number overrides all the active conditional numbers, and as such all calls would be forwarded to the number set for unconditional forwarding. If unconditional gets deactivated, the active conditional forwarding rules would be used instead.


The VOICE_PREMIUM service allows our customers to manually define premium numbers using Partner-Console. You can then choose to allow or disallow subscribers from calling or receiving calls from these premium numbers by enabling or disabling the VOICE_PREMIUM service.

Voice Premium Network Blocks

For VOICE_PREMIUM_INFO and VOICE_PREMIUM_ENTERTAINMENT services, the lists of premium numbers are defined by the network. Each network usually has a list of local premium numbers, and the WG2 HLR sends subscriber information (e.g. VOICE_PREMIUM_INFO blocked) to the VLR. The VLR then blocks calls to any premium info numbers based on the network's lists. Please note: If these two services are not enabled for your tenant, no network blocks will be sent for your subscribers.