ThousandEyes API v6

ThousandEyes API v6

ThousandEyes API v6 has been deprecated as of May 27, 2024. We strongly recommend that you migrate to ThousandEyes API v7 to ensure continued support and access to new features. For more information, see the deprecation notice.

The ThousandEyes API enables programmatic access to ThousandEyes features and data, allowing you to integrate ThousandEyes with third-party systems and automate tasks such as creating and modifying tests or retrieving test data. The ThousandEyes API is a RESTful API that uses standard HTTP methods and response codes.

For simplicity's sake, we use cURL to document examples, and outputs are shown in JSON. See response formats for more detailed information on supported output formats.

What can you do with it?

  • Manage your account groups, users and roles.
  • Manage your Cloud and Enterprise Agents and tests.
  • Retrieve test data from the individual layers that comprise the test.
  • Configure your scheduled tests and automated session tests.
  • Retrieve Endpoint Agent data from scheduled synthetic tests, automated session tests, browser sessions, and local network topology.
  • Manage alerts, alert rules and alert suppression windows.
  • Manage your ThousandEyes dashboards.

See all the changes

Refer to the API Changelog for all the details.