Installation/Configuration instructions
Obtain the latest version of the script and install it using pip as follows:
pip install wlanpoller-x.y.z.tar.gz
Create a new working directory where to store specific configuration and data files
General configuration parameters.
All parameters under the “[General]” section:
Mode / AP_mode:
Define if using telnet or ssh to connect to the WLC(s) and APs.
AP/WLC credentials:
If access credentials are not specified here (e.g. config lines commented), the script will prompt username and/or password interactively)
Syslog server
Using "self" (default) will point to the local IP address of the host running the script.
Log to files
Logging to files is enabled by default in the "./logs/" directory.
By default only one file per day is created:
If selecting "time" as the "log_fo_file_mode" option, a new file will be created at each run:
Transfer mode:
Either "tftp" or "ftp".
The default is "tftp" and FTP would only apply to WLC and IOS APs.
TFTP server address/path
This server may reside on the same machine running the script or it can be on a different host.
The only requirement is for this server to be accessible by the APs, which will need to upload/create new files on the specified path.
FTP server address/path/credentials
This server may reside on the same machine running the script or it can be on a different host.
The only requirement is for this server to be accessible by the APs, which will need to upload/create new files on the specified path.
Enable CLI data poller
If no parameter is provided, this data collection category is enabled by default.
Enable radio event collection
Radio events (such as event.rX and radio coredumps) to be collected from the APs.
If no parameter is provided, this data collection category is disabled by default.
WLC configuration backup
If this is enabled (default is disabled), both a config backup and "show run-config" output will be exported to the (T)FTP server.
Collect AP crash
If this is enabled (default is disabled), AP crashfiles found on WLC will be uploaded to the configured (T)FTP server.
Enable DFS trace collection
This enables low-level DFS/SBC trace collection on supported APs.
If no parameter is provided, this data collection category is disabled by default.
Use this only if instructed by TAC or Cisco BU teams.
Command list per device type
The default filenames are "cmdlist_.txt" with device types: wlc, ios, cos.
Base directory where to store the poller data output
By default the by-date directory tree is created under ./data/ , but this base path can be customized.
AP name filter
If enabled, data will be collected only from APs whose name includes the filter string.
Concurrent connections
By default the script connects to 30 devices at a time.
UTC Time
By default the script works with local time.
Set the "utctime" option in order use UTC time.
Directory or File timestamps
Directory (default)
By default the script creates a directory structure based on the current
date under the poller data directory: ///
Inside such directory there will be one file per device and all the "runs"
for the day are appended to this same file.
If the "file_timestamp" config option is set, the script will create one file per run,
directly on the poller data directory, with the following name format: