Supporting Student Success with Cisco Spaces & Meraki Data

Degree Analytics is an institutional analytics provider. Their product EnStore automates Class Attendance & Co-Curricular Engagement to improve student success and increase student retention. Coupled with Cisco Spaces and/or Meraki, enhanced Facility Utilization and Optimization analytics are possible. Bring relevance to other verticles outside of IT by analyzing & predicting Student Success.

  • What does the student experience actually look like?
  • What's the difference between a successful student and an unsuccessful student?
  • What students are going to class?  How often do they miss?
  • How are our facilities being used on campus?  By who?
  • Who uses the Library?

Degree Analytics calculates hundreds of student behavioral metrics through the wireless network by combining network data with data from the university's Student Information System (SIS), and then analyzing the data from a student perspective, not a hardware or space perspective.

The data and analysis can be used to measure student success, create alerts for students in real-time, nudge students towards positive behaviors, measure program efficacy, and ultimately improve retention.

Graduate. More. Students.

Use Cases

Improving Retention and Graduation Rates for Higher Education

Behavioral Analytics - Bring visibility into how students engage the campus

Facility Optimization - Peak hours, peak days, immediately begin to measure ROI

Enhance Existing Student Success Platforms - CRM, LMS, SIS

Frequently Asked Questions
What data sources are required from implementation?
For a standard implementation of network analytics, our team requires the network syslogs, network topology, and optionally a collection of data fields from the campus SIS.
What departments outside of IT, do you work with?
Provosts, Student Affaris, Institutional Research and Facility Operations
Do I need to train my team on another platform? What systems do you integrate with?
While we offer a platform that allows users to realize the full value of the network, we also integrate with any CRM, Case Management System, LMS, or Student Success Platform. If your team is suffering from “technology fatigue”, there is no need to introduce another platform.