Embed Cisco networking hardware in your product Develop hardware products which leverage Cisco ESS and ESR hardware platforms to deliver unique values to your customers. Cisco Embedded Services Switch (ESS) and Embedded Services Router (ESR) Industrial networking to enable robust solutions Leverage Cisco IE switching and IR routing with support for Cisco IOx to enable microservice enabled networks in industrial, manufacturing, and remote asset applications. Cisco Industrial Ethernet Switch (IE) Cisco Industrial Router (IR) Cisco IOx Build solutions with limitless scale Include Cisco ASR and CGR routing platforms to address massive scale networking applications for millions of sensors and devices, such as in AMI and utility automation cases. Leverage APIs to build seamless applications across the enterprise. Cisco IPv6 Mesh for Field Area Networks Cisco Connected Grid Router (CGR) Cisco Aggregation Services Router (ASR) Go wireless and cut the cord Using Cisco IW wireless routers and the Cisco Wireless Gateway for LoRaWAN allows for the implementation of solutions which cross extended geographic boundaries or require wireless, mobility features. Cisco Industrial Wireless Access Point (IW)
Industrial grade networking in action
Manage large-scale lighting deployments Coordinate vehicles and infrastructure Substation automation for grid resiliency
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