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Scanning API with AWS DynamoDB and ElasticSearch

This guide will walk through the process of building a Meraki Scanning API receiver using the AWS Lambda service by Amazon. The data will then be placed into DynamoDB where it can optionally be indexed and searchable using ElasticSearch and visualized with Kibana.

CMX kibana

Source Code


  • Meraki Dashboard with MR Access Points
  • Amazon AWS account and intermediate experience
  • JavaScript & Python basic experience


AWS Lambda, DynamoDB

ElasticSearch, Kibana

JavaScript (receiver)

Python (indexer)



Cisco Meraki CMX Location API

Meraki MR access points are capable of gathering location information using standard WiFi (IEEE 802.11) and/or Bluetooth Beacons. By listening to wireless “probe requests”, the access points are able to triangulate and identify wireless clients. This information is then available via the CMX API. Meraki will regularly POST an array of JSON objects which include the observations made by the wireless network.

The JSON POST generally occurs every 30 to 60 seconds, but client updates could take as long as 2 minutes. This is because clients periodically “probe” and the APs periodically report their observations, resulting in some inconsistent reporting intervals.

More info: Cisco Meraki CMX Whitepaper

Expected JSON Format (v2)

Note: Observations are an array of objects reported by each AP

"apMac": <string>,
"apTags": [<string, ...],
"apFloors": [<string>, ...],
"observations": [
"clientMac": <string>,
"ipv4": <string>,
"ipv6": <string>,
"seenTime": <string>,
"seenEpoch": <integer>,
"ssid": <string>,
"rssi": <integer>,
"manufacturer": <string>,
"os": <string>,
"location": {
"lat": <decimal>,
"lng": <decimal>,
"unc": <decimal>,
"x": [<decimal>, ...],
"y": [<decimal>, ...]

AWS Lambda

Lambda is great way to run a small section of code as a micro-service, without the requirement of provisioning any hardware. By using the provided source code and an AWS API Gateway, a CMX receiver can be built pretty easily and scale on demand.

More Info: Lambda Manual

AWS API Gateway

API Gateway is an AWS service that will act as a “front door” to the CMX Receiver. This project will essentially build a REST API to accept GET and POST methods. These methods will then trigger the CMX Receiver Lambda function.

More Info: API Gateway Manual

AWS DynamoDB

DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service provide by Amazon AWS. It will provide a fast and reliable database for collecting the high volumes of CMX location data.

More Info: DynamoDB Manual


These instructions assume a basic ability to navigate the Amazon AWS platform.

  • Create a DynamoDB table
    • Table Name: cmxdata
    • Partition key: message_id
    • Sort key: message_ts

dynamodb table screenshot

  • Create an API Gateway
    • API Gateway Name: CMX

cmx api gateway create screenshot

  • Create a Lambda Function
    • Name: cmxreceiver-dynamodb
    • Source Code: CMX Lambda Function
    • skip the triggers and blueprint screens
      • Update the secret and validator to match your settings Meraki Dashboard settings of the CMX POST URL.

cmx lambda inline screenshot

  • Configuration Tab – Create an IAM service role with full access to DynamoDB.

cmx lambda config screenshot

  • Triggers Tab – Link an API Gateway trigger
    • Trigger: API Gateway
    • API Name: CMX
    • Security: Open


cmx api gateway screenshot

  • The API Gateway trigger will now have a link to be used as your CMX POST URL

cmx api gateway url screenshot


  • Use a Test Event (Actions –> Configure Test Event) to verify that your CMX receiver is responding with your validator key.

cmx lambda get test

    • Test Result: Should show you the validator string. You can also test this by navigating to the API Gateway URL in any web browser or by sending a GET request using PostMan

cmx lambda get test response

  • Use a Test Event to verify that your CMX receiver is accepting the JSON post, verifying the secret and writing to DynamoDB.

cmx lambda post test

  • Test Result:


cmx lambda post test response

  • Cloudwatch Logs
    • Expand the message for “received CMX POST: {..” to view the JSON data. If an error occurs, this log stream will also provide any details. cmx lambda cloudwatch

Configure Meraki Scanning API POST URL

  • Login to your Meraki Dashboard
  • Network-wide –> Settings
  • CMX API: enabled
  • Add a Post URL: your API Gateway URL
  • Secret: the same secret you defined in the Lambda JavaScript inline code merak cmx post url screenshot

AWS ElasticSearch & Kibana

Once the location data is stored in DynamoDB, indexing and data visualization are best handled by ElasticSearch and Kibana. ElasticSearch will index the database and provide a RESTful API to interact with the data. Kibana leverages this API and builds a flexible reporting and visualization tool.

Configuring these tools is generally an exercise with AWS and permissions which is outside the scope of this guide. To complete these steps, please read the following article on getting these components setup. Once completed, you should be able to readily query the location data and create reports. From there, front-end applications such as a map or advanced analytics can be created. The technology is pretty straightforward, but pay special attention to permissons, policies and the appropriate links required for each. Most troubleshooting will occur within these areas.

Indexing DynamoDB with Elastic Search

Note: Instead of using the Lambda function blueprint suggested in the article, use the provided modified version. There were some updates with the AWS Lambda environement that have broken things since the original blueprint was created

DynamoDB to ElasticSearch Lambda – Inline Function

Modify your ES_ENDPOINT to match as explained in the instructions.

cmxreceiver stream to es lambda inline screenshot


You should be able to receive data, store it, index it and now visualize it!

CMX kibana