[ { "title":"Security", "url":"/site/security/" }, { "title":"SecureX" } ] Learn https://developer.cisco.com/learning/tracks/devnet-express-security/ _blank Docs https://docs.securex.security.cisco.com/SecureX-Help/Content/integration.html _blank Community https://community.cisco.com/t5/securex/bd-p/disc-securex _blank danger SecureX End of Life The SecureX API is deprecated in favor of the Cisco XDR API, and will go end-of-life in the near future. For more information on End-of-Sale and End-of-Life, see https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/security/securex/securex-eol.html. Cisco recommends moving to Cisco XDR API, which provides more actionable insights compared to the summary data given by the current SecureX API. For more details, see https://developer.cisco.com/cisco-xdr.
How can SecureX help?
Streamline tasks involved in threat hunting and investigation Automate and orchestrate many security operations tasks Manage threat intelligence and security context data in a single location
Cisco SecureX – A Simplified Security Experience Development opportunities with SecureX fall largely into one or both of the two main SecureX features, SecureX threat response and SecureX orchestration.
SecureX threat response SecureX threat response is the SecureX investigation and response workbench that allows you to interactively but simultaneously investigate and respond to both global threat intelligence and your organization's sensor data. As well, you can take response actions from multiple security products and devices in the same interface in two clicks, without having to go to the UI of the products that will enforce those decisions. SecureX threat response SecureX orchestration SecureX orchestration is a workflow automation feature, powered by Cisco Action Orchestrator, that enables you to define workflows to reflect your typical security processes; the automation steps (activities), the logic or flow between these steps, and how to flow data from one step to the next. With Cisco SecureX, you can leverage Cisco and third-party multi-domain systems, applications, databases, and network devices in your environment to create these workflows. SecureX orchestration
Learn more about SecureX >
Get started with Learning Labs FEATURED LEARNING TRACK devnet-express-security EXPLORE THE LEARNING LABS security-securex-orchestration View all Learning Labs https://developer.cisco.com/learning/modules/security-securex-orchestration _blank button btn-primary btn-lg-wide
https://metadata.production.devnetcloud.com/v1/catalogs/search fastMode=true&type=Code&keyPrefix=SecureX 3 Download SecureX sample code Download community shared and DevNet curated GitHub sample code through DevNet Code Exchange. utm_campaign=oc-codeexchange&utm_medium=pubhubwidget&utm_source=securex See more in Code Exchange Sorry, we couldn’t find any code repos you were looking for.
Exploring Development and Integration Opportunities with Cisco's Security Platform, SecureX https://www.youtube.com/embed/--k3PiT-d6g/src> Cisco SecureX with Ben Greenbaum
  • Introduction
    • What is SecureX?
    • SecureX Feature Highlights
  • Developing with SecureX
    • The API model
    • SecureX threat response
    • SecureX orchestration
  • Resources
Questions? We are here to help. /images/forum-large.svg https://community.cisco.com/t5/securex/bd-p/disc-securex _blank JOIN THE DISCUSSION SecureX Forum Bring your questions to the SecureX community! Engage, collaborate and share with your fellow experts in the developer forum. https://pubhub.devnetcloud.com/media/hyperfaas/site/images/learning-lab-small.svg https://community.cisco.com/t5/security-documents/securex-frequently-asked-questions/ta-p/4109992 _blank BROWSE FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Browse our frequently asked questions in the SecureX community.