[ { "title":"Security", "url":"/site/security/" }, { "title":"SecureX", "url":"/securex/" }, { "title":"SecureX orchestration" } ] Learn https://developer.cisco.com/learning/tracks/devnet-express-security/security-securex-orchestration/ _blank Docs https://docs.securex.security.cisco.com/Orchestration-Help/Content/about-orchestration.html Community https://community.cisco.com/t5/securex/bd-p/disc-securex _blank danger SecureX End of Life The SecureX API is deprecated in favor of the Cisco XDR API, and will go end-of-life in the near future. For more information on End-of-Sale and End-of-Life, see https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/security/securex/securex-eol.html. Cisco recommends moving to Cisco XDR API, which provides more actionable insights compared to the summary data given by the current SecureX API. For more details, see https://developer.cisco.com/cisco-xdr.
What can I do with SecureX orchestration?
Simplify and streamline tasks Simplify and streamline common tasks across all IT domains with an intuitive no-to-low-code editor Automate security workflows Efficiently harness the power of automation for repeatable results and decreased human error Centralize technologies Multiply the effectiveness of disparate technologies by enabling them to act as part of a holistic cohesive system
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Create an orchestration workflow with SecureX orchestration FEATURED LEARNING MODULE security-securex-orchestration EXPLORE THE LEARNING LABS security-securex-orchestration View all Learning Labs https://developer.cisco.com/learning/tracks/devnet-express-security/security-securex-orchestration/ _blank button btn-primary btn-lg-wide
https://metadata.production.devnetcloud.com/v1/catalogs/search fastMode=true&type=Code&keyPrefix=securex%20orchestration 3 Download SecureX orchestration workflows Download community shared and DevNet curated GitHub sample code through DevNet Code Exchange. utm_campaign=oc-codeexchange&utm_medium=pubhubwidget&utm_source=stealthwatch See more in Code Exchange Sorry, we couldn’t find any code repos you were looking for.
Questions? We are here to help. /images/forum-large.svg https://community.cisco.com/t5/securex/bd-p/disc-securex _blank JOIN THE DISCUSSION SecureX Forum Bring your questions to the SecureX community! Engage, collaborate and share with your fellow experts in the developer forum. https://pubhub.devnetcloud.com/media/hyperfaas/site/images/learning-lab-small.svg https://community.cisco.com/t5/security-documents/securex-frequently-asked-questions/ta-p/4109992 _blank BROWSE FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Browse our frequently asked questions in the SecureX community.