- Cisco Emergency Responder (CER) API Documentation
- Authentication
- API reference
- /authentication
- /discoverystatus
- /switchport/info
- /ipsubnet/info
- /unlocatedphones/info
- /manualconfphone/info
- /syntheticphonelist/info
- /nontrackedphones/info
- /trackedphones/info
- /snmpv2switch/info
- /snmpv3list/info
- /lanswitch/info
- /schedule/info
- /callhistory/info
- /cucmcluster/list
- /onsitealert/info
- /pageralert/info
- /conventionalerl/info
- /telephonysetting/info
- /cerclustergroup/list
- /cergroupsettings/info
- /serversetting/info
- /e911licensemanager/info
This document provides all the information you need to integrate and build applications with Cisco Emergency Responder (CER).
The CER API supports XML formatted data. Use the Accept: text/xml
header in all CER requests.
Explore the API resource documentation for details.
All API operations for CER require HTTPS, and are read-only using the HTTP GET
method. No HTTP body is expected for requests.
A combination of HTTP Basic Authentication and a HTTP cookie is required to authenticate API requests.
If API request credentials (username/password or cookie) are incorrect/expired, an HTTP 401 Not Authorized
status code will be returned.
To successfully make an API request, both the HTTP Authorization: Basic
and Cookie: JSESSIONID
headers must be present. For example:
CopyGET /cerappservices/export/authenticate/status HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpjaXNjb3BzZHQ=
Accept: text/xml
Cookie: JSESSIONID=E1D64B05FA24B430F5FB5A0933539FB6
In order to obtain a session cookie that can be used in later authenticated requests, it is necessary to first make an initial API request ommitting the Authorization
and Cookie
headers. The response will indicate a HTTP 401 Unauthorized
status but will include a Set-Cookie
header containing a newly generated JSESSIONID
CopyGET /cerappservices/export/authenticate/status HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/xml
CopyHTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=E1D64B05FA24B430F5FB5A0933539FB6; Path=/cerappservices; Secure; HttpOnly
WWW-Authenticate: Basic
This cookie can then be provided with subsequent authenticated requests, as above. JSESSIONID
cookies have an expiration time of 20 minutes, which is renewed with each successfully authenticated request. If the cookie expires, requests will fail with a 401
status, and a new session cookie will need to be obtained as above.
Note, if using a browser to access CER API resource URLs directly, the browser will prompt for the Basic Auth access credentials (username and password) each time - the JSESSIONID
cookie should be handled transparently by the browser.
API reference
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/authenticate/status
The /authentication
resource provides a way to test API connectivity and validate API user credentials. The response indicates whether your credentials are authenticated on both the CER Publisher and the Subscriber.
Response examples
Successful on both Publisher and Subscriber
<authentication> <status>Authentication successful on publisher </status> <subscriber> <status>Subscriber authentication Successful</status> <ipaddress></ipaddress> <hostname>cer54-8</hostname> </subscriber> </authentication>
- Publisher details are added
- While testing connectivity, username and password are sent for authentication on Publisher
- Authentication is successful on both Publisher and Subscriber
Authentication is successful on Publisher but fails on Subscriber
<authentication> <status>Authentication successful on publisher</status> <subscriber> <status>Subscriber authentication failed</status> </subscriber> </authentication>
- Publisher details are added
- While testing connectivity, username and password are sent for authentication on Publisher
- Authentication is successful on Publisher but fails on Subscriber
Authentication fails on standalone Publisher
<authentication> <status>Authentication failed on publisher</status> </authentication>
- Publisher details are added
- While testing connectivity, username and password are sent for authentication on Publisher
- Authentication fails on standalone Publisher
Publisher is active
<authentication> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </authentication>
- Publisher details are added
- While testing connectivity, username and password are sent for authentication on Publisher
- If Publisher is active, Subscriber login or viewing details of Subscriber is restricted.
- CER cannot connect to Subscriber if Publisher is active.
- Only details such as Switch Port and Unlocated Phones can be exported from Publisher.
Authentication fails on Publisher
<authentication> <status>Authentication failed on publisher</status> </authentication>
- Publisher details are added
- While testing connectivity, username and password are sent for authentication on Publisher
- If authentication fails on Publisher, details cannot be exported from Publisher or Subscriber.
Authentication is successful on standalone Publisher
<authentication> <status>Authentication successful on publisher</status> <subscriber> <status>NO Subscriber</status> </subscriber> </authentication>
- ublisher details are added
- While testing connectivity, username and password are sent for authentication on Publisher
- Authentication is successful on standalone Publisher
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/discoverystatus
The Discovery Status API retrieves the data discovery status from the box, indicating one of the following:
- Initial discovery is complete
- Tables are being modified
- Major discovery is in progress
- Discovery is complete.
If discovery is complete, data from CER can be retrieved.
Response examples
Initial discovery is not done
<discoverystatus> <status>Intial discovery not done</status> </discoverystatus>
Initial discovery is not done, meaning that major discovery has never been executed on the box
Tables are being modified
<discoverystatus> <status>Tables are being modified, please try later.</status> </discoverystatus>
Tables are being modified during data collection
Discovery in progess
<discoverystatus> <status>Major discovery is in progress, please try later.</status> </discoverystatus>
Major discovery is in progess: try again later
Discovery is complete
<discoverystatus> <status>Discovery is complete.</status> </discoverystatus>
Discovery is complete, and data from CER can now be retrieved
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/switchport/info
The /switchport/info
resource retrieves the switch port information available on CER. Call /discoverystatus
to confirm that discovery is complete before invoking this API.
Response examples
Switch port information is available on CER
<SwitchPort> <status>Exporting info</status> <switchip> <SwitchHostName>switch-cer-3.cisco.com</SwitchHostName> <SwitchIPAddress></SwitchIPAddress> <portDetails> <ERLName/> <IfName>Fa0/1</IfName> <Location/> <PhoneMACAddress/> <PhoneExtension/> <PhoneIPAddress/> <PhoneType/> <PortDescription>11111</PortDescription> <PortIdentifier>0/3</PortIdentifier> <PortName>Fa0/1</PortName> </portDetails> . . . </switchip> . . . </SwitchPort>
Switch port information is available on CER. The request is to the Publisher if it is the active server.
Information not available on Subscriber
<SwitchPort> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </SwitchPort>
The Switch port information request is to the Subscriber, however the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from the Subscriber
Information not available on CER
<SwitchPort> <status>No information to extract from CER.</status> </SwitchPort>
No Switch port information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/ipsubnet/info
The IP subnet information API retrieves the IP subnet information detail available on CER, depending on the status returned by the /discoverystatus
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<IPSubnet> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </IPSubnet>
No IP subnet information is available on CER
IP Subnet details request is on Subscriber
<IPSubnet> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </IPSubnet>
The IP subnet information request is to the Subscriber, however the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from the Subscriber.
Information successfully retrieved
<IPSubnet> <status> Exporting info </status> <subnetdetails> <subnetID></subnetID> <subnetMask></subnetMask> <ERLName>Test</ERLName> <Location/> <isIPv6Subnet>false</isIPv6Subnet> <Isnontrackable>false</Isnontrackable> <IPSubnetPhones> <Phone_MAC_Address> 00-1b-53-b9-3d-be </Phone_MAC_Address> <Phone_IP_Address> </Phone_IP_Address> <Phone_Ext>1004</Phone_Ext> <Phone_Type>Cisco 7961G-GE </Phone_Type> </IPSubnetPhones> </subnetdetails> </IPSubnet>
The IP subnet information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/unlocatedphones/info
Retrieves the unlocated phone information detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<UnlocatedDetails> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </UnlocatedDetails>
No unlocated phone information is available on CER
Information not available on Subscriber
<UnlocatedDetails> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </UnlocatedDetails>
The unlocated phone information request is on Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<UnlocatedDetails> <status>Exporting Info</status> <PhoneDetails> <CerServerGroup></CerServerGroup> <PhoneIPAddr></PhoneIPAddr> <PhoneMACAddr>00059a3b7702</PhoneMACAddr> <PhoneExt>1002 </PhoneExt> <AssignedERL></AssignedERL> <EffectiveERL>Test4</EffectiveERL> <ERLUsedInfo>Manually Configured Phone Extension</ERLUsedInfo> </PhoneDetails> <PhoneDetails> <CerServerGroup></CerServerGroup> <PhoneIPAddr></PhoneIPAddr> <PhoneMACAddr>00059a3b7700</PhoneMACAddr> <PhoneExt>1001 </PhoneExt> <AssignedERL></AssignedERL> <EffectiveERL>Test4</EffectiveERL> <ERLUsedInfo>Manually Configured Phone Extension</ERLUsedInfo> </PhoneDetails> </UnlocatedDetails>
The unlocated phone information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/manualconfphone/info
The Manually Configured Phone Information API retrieves the manually configured phone information detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<manualconfphone> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </manualconfphone>
No manually configured phone information is available on CER
Information not available on Subscriber
<manualconfphone> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </manualconfphone>
The manually configured phone information request is to the Subscriber, however the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from the Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<manualconfphone> <status>Exporting info</status> <manualphonedetails> <Extension>1001</Extension> <Type>Manual</Type> <Version>1.0</Version> <IPAddress></IPAddress> <MACAddress>00059a3b7700</MACAddress> <ERLName>Test4</ERLName> <Location>Bangalore</Location> </manualphonedetails> <manualphonedetails> <Extension>1002</Extension> <Type>Manual</Type> <Version>1.0</Version> <IPAddress></IPAddress> <MACAddress>00059a3b7702</MACAddress> <ERLName>Test4</ERLName> <Location>Bangalore</Location> </manualphonedetails> </manualconfphone>
The manually configured phone information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/syntheticphonelist/info
Retrieves the synthetic phone information detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<syntheticphonelist> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </syntheticphonelist>
No synthetic phone information is available on CER
Information not available on Subscriber
<syntheticphonelist> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </syntheticphonelist>
The synthetic phone information request is on Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<syntheticphonelist> <status>Extracting Info</status> <phonelist> <MACAddress>00059a3b7700</MACAddress> <ERLName>test2</ERLName> </phonelist> ... </syntheticphonelist>
The synthetic configured phone information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/nontrackedphones/info
Retrieves the Non-tracked phone information detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<NonTrackedPhones> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </NonTrackedPhones>
Non-tracked phones information are not available on CER
Information not available on Subscriber
<NonTrackedPhones> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </NonTrackedPhones>
The Non-tracked phones information request is on Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<NonTrackedPhones> <status>Extracting the nontracked phone information</status> <NonTrackedPhoneDetails> <IPaddress></IPaddress> <Extension>1002</Extension> <Type>Cisco IP Communication</Type> <Devicename>SEP8C164523EA87</Devicename> <Macaddress>74-e5-f9-e0-51-cd</Macaddress> </NonTrackedPhoneDetails> </NonTrackedPhones>
The Non-tracked phones detail information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/trackedphones/info
Retrieves the Tracked phone information detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<TrackedPhones> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </TrackedPhones>
Tracked phones information are not available on CER
Information not available on Subscriber
<TrackedPhones> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </TrackedPhones>
The Tracked phones information request is on Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<TrackedPhones> <status>Extracting the tracked phone information</status> <TrackedPhonesDetails> <IPaddress></IPaddress> <Extension>1003</Extension> <Type>Cisco IP Communication</Type> <Devicename>SEP8C164523EA89</Devicename> <Macaddress>74-e5-f9-75-51-cd</Macaddress> </TrackedPhonesDetails> </TrackedPhones>
The Tracked phones detail information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/snmpv2switch/info
Retrieves the SNMPv2 settings information detail configured on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<SnmpV2Settings> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </SnmpV2Settings>
SNMPv2 settings are not configured on CER.
Information not available on Subscriber
<SnmpV2Settings> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </SnmpV2Settings>
The SNMPv2 settings information request is to the Subscriber, however the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from the Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<SnmpV2Settings> <status>Exporting info</status> <SNMPV2Switch> <IPAddress></IPAddress> <Timeout>20</Timeout> <MaximumRetryAttempts>2</MaximumRetryAttempts> <ReadCommunity>public</ReadCommunity> </SNMPV2Switch> <SNMPV2Switch> <IPAddress></IPAddress> <Timeout>30</Timeout> <MaximumRetryAttempts>3</MaximumRetryAttempts> <ReadCommunity>sandeep</ReadCommunity> </SNMPV2Switch> </SnmpV2Settings>
The SNMPv2 settings information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/snmpv3list/info
Retrieves the SNMPv3 settings information detail configured on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<snmpv3settings> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </snmpv3settings>
SNMPv3 settings are not configured on CER
Information not available on Subscriber
<snmpv3settings> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </snmpv3settings>
The SNMPv3 settings information request is to the Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from the Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<snmpv3settings> <status>Exporting Info</status> <details> <IPAddress></IPAddress> <UserName>test</UserName> <AuthProtocol>MD5</AuthProtocol> <PrivProtocol>AES128</PrivProtocol> <Timeout>20</Timeout> <RetryAttempts>2</RetryAttempts> </details> </snmpv3settings>
The SNMPv3 settings information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/lanswitch/info
The LAN Switch Information API retrieves the LAN switch information detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<LanSwitches> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </LanSwitches>
LAN switch details are not configured on CER
Information not available on Subscriber
<LanSwitches> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </LanSwitches>
The LAN switch detail information request is to the Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from the Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<LanSwitches> <status>Exporting info</status> <LanSwitchDetail> <IPORHostName></IPORHostName> <Notes></Notes> <AllowCAM>false</AllowCAM> <PortDescAsLocation>false</PortDescAsLocation> <UseSnmpV3>false</UseSnmpV3> </LanSwitchDetail> <LanSwitchDetail> <IPORHostName></IPORHostName> <Notes></Notes> <AllowCAM>false</AllowCAM> <PortDescAsLocation>false</PortDescAsLocation> <UseSnmpV3>false</UseSnmpV3> </LanSwitchDetail> </LanSwitches>
The LAN switch detail information is available on CER.
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/schedule/info
Retrieves the phone tracking schedule information detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on Subscriber
<schedule> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </schedule>
The phone tracking schedule detail information request is on Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<schedule> <status>Extracting Info</status> <IncrementalPTInterval>30</IncrementalPTInterval> <Time hour="03" min="20">Sunday</Time> <Time hour="03" min="20">Monday</Time> <Time hour="03" min="20">Tuesday</Time> <Time hour="03" min="20">Wednesday</Time> <Time hour="03" min="20">Thursday</Time> <Time hour="03" min="20">Friday</Time> <Time hour="03" min="20">Saturday</Time> <Time hour="02" min="25">Sunday</Time> <Time hour="02" min="25">Wednesday</Time> </schedule>
The phone tracking schedule detail information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/callhistory/info
Retrieves the call history information detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<callhistory> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </callhistory>
Call history details are not configured on CER
Information not available on Subscriber
<callhistory> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </callhistory>
The call history detail information request is on Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<callhistory> <status>Exporting Info</status> <details> <ERLName>testSplChar</ERLName> <CallerExtension>1007</CallerExtension> <CallTime>4:23:01 PM IST</CallTime> <RPELINMap>10911.--6011230194</RPELINMap> <IsCallAcknowledged>false</IsCallAcknowledged> <CallAcknowledgeTime/> <CallAcknowledgeDate/> </details> </callhistory>
The call history detail information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/cucmcluster/list
Retrieves the Cisco Unified Communications Manager clusters detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on Subscriber
<CucmClusterList> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </CucmClusterList>
The Cisco Unified Communications Manager clusters information request is on Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<CucmClusterList> <status>Exporting info</status> <CucmConfig> <CUCM></CUCM> <CTIManger></CTIManger> <CTIUser>certest</CTIUser> <BackupCTIMngr1></BackupCTIMngr1> <BackupCTIMngr2></BackupCTIMngr2> <TelePortAddr>7001</TelePortAddr> <NumbrOfTelePorts>3</NumbrOfTelePorts> <SecureConnection> <EnableSecureConn>true</EnableSecureConn> <TFTPIpAddr></TFTPIpAddr> <TFTPPort>69</TFTPPort> <BackupTFTPIp></BackupTFTPIp> <CAPFIpAddr></CAPFIpAddr> <CAPFPort>3804</CAPFPort> <InstanceIdPub></InstanceIdPub> <AuthStringPub>test</AuthStringPub> <InstanceIdSub></InstanceIdSub> <AuthStringSub></AuthStringSub> </SecureConnection> <AXLSettings> <AXLUser>test</AXLUser> <AXLPort>8443</AXLPort> </AXLSettings> <UseSnmpV3>true</UseSnmpV3> </CucmConfig> </CucmClusterList>
The Cisco Unified Communications Manager clusters information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/onsitealert/info
Retrieves the onsite alert information detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<onsitealert> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </onsitealert>
Onsite alert details are not configured on CER.
Information not available on Subscriber
<onsitealert> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </onsitealert>
The onsite alert detail information request is on Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<onsitealert> <status>Extracting Info</status> <details> <OnsiteAlertID>AL1 </OnsiteAlertID> <OnsiteAlertName>alert1</OnsiteAlertName> <OnsiteAlertNum>1001</OnsiteAlertNum> <OnsiteAlertEmail>al1@test.com</OnsiteAlertEmail> <OnsiteAlertPager></OnsiteAlertPager> <UserGroup>CER User</UserGroup> </details> <details> <OnsiteAlertID>AL2 </OnsiteAlertID> <OnsiteAlertName>Alert2</OnsiteAlertName> <OnsiteAlertNum>1000</OnsiteAlertNum> <OnsiteAlertEmail>alert@cisco.com</OnsiteAlertEmail> <OnsiteAlertPager></OnsiteAlertPager> <UserGroup>CER User</UserGroup> </details> </onsitealert>
The onsite alert detail information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/pageralert/info
Retrieves the pager alert settings information detail available on CER.
Response examples
CopyPager alert details are not configured on CER.
Information not available on Subscriber
<PagerAlertSettings> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </PagerAlertSettings>
The Pager alert detail information request is on Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<PagerAlertSettings> <status>Extracting Info</status> <Extension>Extension</Extension> <Erl>Zone/ERL</Erl> <Location>Location</Location> <SystemTime>System Time of Call</SystemTime> <Server>Server</Server> <LocalTime>Local Call Time</LocalTime> </PagerAlertSettings>
The pager alert detail information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/conventionalerl/info
Retrieves the conventional ERL information detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<ConventionalERL> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </ConventionalERL>
Conventional ERL details are not configured on CER
Information not available on Subscriber
<ConventionalERL> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </ConventionalERL>
The conventional ERL detail information request is on Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<ConventionalERL> <status>Exporting Info</status> <ERLDetails> <ERLName>Default</ERLName> <ERLNotes></ERLNotes> <TestERL>false</TestERL> <ELINSettings>111111--123456789</ELINSettings> <OnsiteSettings></OnsiteSettings> <ALIInfo> <HouseNumber>4243</HouseNumber> <HouseNumberSuffix></HouseNumberSuffix> <StreetName>bangalore</StreetName> <PrefixDirectional></PrefixDirectional> <StreetSuffix></StreetSuffix> <PostDirectional></PostDirectional> <CommunityName>bangalore</CommunityName> <State>ka</State> <MainNPA></MainNPA> <CustomerName>cisco</CustomerName> <COS>5</COS> <TOS>4</TOS> <Exchange></Exchange> <MainTelNum></MainTelNum> <OrderNumber></OrderNumber> <CountyID></CountyID> <CompanyID>cisco</CompanyID> <ZipCode></ZipCode> <ZipCodeExt></ZipCodeExt> <CustomerCode>666</CustomerCode> <Comments></Comments> <Longitude></Longitude> <Latitude></Latitude> <Elevation></Elevation> <TARCode></TARCode> <Location></Location> <ProvReserved></ProvReserved> <ERLType>Conventional ERL</ERLType> </ALIInfo> </ERLDetails> ... </ConventionalERL>
The conventional ERL detail information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/telephonysetting/info
Retrieves the telephony settings information detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on CER
<TelephonySettings> <status>No information to extract from CER</status> </TelephonySettings>
Telephony settings details are not configured on CER.
Information not available on Subscriber
<TelephonySettings> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </TelephonySettings>
The telephony settings detail information request is to the Subscriber, however the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from the Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<TelephonySettings> <status>Exporting Info</status> <settings> <PrimaryRoutePoint>911</PrimaryRoutePoint> <BackupRoutePoint>912</BackupRoutePoint> <CallBackRoutePoint>913XXXXXXXXXX</CallBackRoutePoint> <ELINStringDigPattern>913</ELINStringDigPattern> <UDPPort>32000</UDPPort> <InterCiscoERGrpRP>5684365643</InterCiscoERGrpRP> <IPTypeOfService>b8</IPTypeOfService> <OnsiteAlertPromptRptCnt>2</OnsiteAlertPromptRptCnt> <IntradoRoutePattern>64738465464</IntradoRoutePattern> <UseIPAddrCallSig>false</UseIPAddrCallSig> </settings> </TelephonySettings>
The telephony settings detail information is available on CER.
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/cerclustergroup/list
Retrieves the CER cluster details available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on Subscriber
<CiscoERGroups> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </CiscoERGroups>
The CER cluster detail information request is to the Subscriber, however the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from the Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<CiscoERGroups> <CiscoERGroupDetails> <InterServerGrouprp></InterServerGrouprp> <PrimaryCER></PrimaryCER> <ServerGroupName>CERServerGroup</ServerGroupName> <ServerGroupID>fc02b306-126b-47ae-b7af-3dab521f9ac5</ServerGroupID> <StandbyCER></StandbyCER> <Version></Version> </CiscoERGroupDetails> </CiscoERGroups>
The CER cluster detail information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/cergroupsettings/info
Retrieves the CER group settings detail available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on Subscriber
<CERGroupSettings> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </CERGroupSettings>
The CER group settings detail information request is to the Subscriber, however the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
Information successfully retrieved
<CERGroupSettings> <status>Exporting info</status> <CERServerGroup>CERServerGroup</CERServerGroup> <PeerTCPPort>17001</PeerTCPPort> <HeartbeatCount>3</HeartbeatCount> <HeartbeatInterval>30</HeartbeatInterval> <ActiveCallTimeout>180</ActiveCallTimeout> <SMTPMailServer></SMTPMailServer> <SourceMailID></SourceMailID> <SysLog>No</SysLog> <DynTrackSwitchIPAddress>False</DynTrackSwitchIPAddress> <SecurityWebLanguage>English(US)</SecurityWebLanguage> <LimitConcurrentSession>disable</LimitConcurrentSession> <MaxNoConcurrentSessions>0</MaxNoConcurrentSessions> </CERGroupSettings>
The CER group settings detail information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/serversetting/info
Retrieves the CER Server settings detail available on CER.
Response examples
- Information succesfully retrieved on Standalone Publisher
<status>Exporting Info</status>
- Information not available on Subscriber
<status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status>
The Server settings detail information request is to the Subscriber, however the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber
- Information successfully retrieved
<status>Exporting Info</status>
CopyThe Server settings detail information is available on CER
CopyGET http://{CER-IP}/cerappservices/export/e911licensemanager/info
The License Manager API retrieves the license manager details available on CER.
Response examples
Information not available on Subscriber
<E911LicenseManager> <status>Publisher is active. Cannot fetch information from subscriber.</status> </E911LicenseManager>
The license manager detail information request is on Subscriber, but the Publisher is active and the information cannot be retrieved from Subscriber.
Information successfully retrieved
<E911LicenseManager> <Status>Exporting the info</Status> <NoPhonesDiscovered>0</NoPhonesDiscovered> <NoPhonesManuallyConfigured>2</NoPhonesManuallyConfigured> <TotalUsersTracked>2</TotalUsersTracked> <PrimeLicenseManager> <ServerHostname>cer539.cisco.com</ServerHostname> <LastComplianceTime>2014-09-01 13:10:05</LastComplianceTime> <ConnectivityStatus>Connected</ConnectivityStatus> </PrimeLicenseManager> </E911LicenseManager>
The license manager detail information is available on CER