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Fast Lane
Give your iOS app a boost on Cisco networks, and get a DevNet Fast Lane validation for your app
Without Fast Lane
With Fast Lane
What is Fast Lane?
Fast Lane allows iOS apps connected to Cisco WiFi access points to be prioritized. This means your voice, video and real-time data gets to be first in line.
Why Fast Lane?
Improve your iOS app’s performance
See the example audio experience below.
Without Fast Lane
Packet avg interval: 40ms
Glitches: multiple, up to 600ms
Audio experience:
With Fast Lane
Packet avg interval: 20ms
Glitches: few, up to 100ms
Audio experience:
No code dependencies
Add service type (QoS marking) in your iOS app. iOS 10+ understands them and the markings are honored by the network so your app is prioritized.

For CFSocketStream set kCFStreamNetworkServiceType

For NSStream , use NSStreamNetworkServiceType

For Stream , use StreamNetworkServiceType

For UDP sockets , use SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE

Widely adopted
Half of all Wi-Fi networks are built on Cisco infrastructure. This means with Fast Lane, your app gets priority in malls, stadiums, schools, hospitals and more.
Totally free
This is free for developers as part of the Apple and Cisco partnership accelerating mobile transformation.
Dig into a sample app
Fast Lane enable your iOS app using UDP Sockets
Set up: clone repository
$ git clone
Edit the code: modify the service type in Xcode
/ Choose from one the following service types
// Hint: For the UDP Client here it will be NET_SERVICE_TYPE_RD

* NET_SERVICE_TYPE_BE  // “Best Effort"
* NET_SERVICE_TYPE_BK  // “Background”
* NET_SERVICE_TYPE_VI  // “Interactive Video”
* NET_SERVICE_TYPE_VO  // “Interactive Voice”
* NET_SERVICE_TYPE_RV  // “Responsive Multimedia Audio/Video”
* NET_SERVICE_TYPE_AV  // “Multimedia Audio/Video Streaming”
* NET_SERVICE_TYPE_OAM // “Operations, Administration, and Management”
* NET_SERVICE_TYPE_RD  // “Responsive Data”
* /

optval = NET_SERVICE_TYPE_BE; /* default */
optlen = sizeof(optval);
if(setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE , &optval, optlen) < 0) {
You are good to go - compile and run!
Get more details on the sample GitHub project.
DevNet Fast Lane Validation Program
Free resources to test your code changes anytime with a Fast Lane enabled network
Free consultation with our experts
Test your app in a simulated enterprise-traffic environment
Earn Cisco compatible logo
Find out if your app honors the Fast Lane profile
Market your app as certified for the enterprise
Join the DevNet Fast Lane Validation Program
Step 1
Become a member
Become a member
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Step 2
Submit your app
Let’s get you ready
Fill out the form below to submit your app!
App Store URL
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