
The CAD to Finesse Migration utility automates the migration of some of the Cisco Agent Desktop (CAD) configuration data to Cisco Finesse (UCCX deployment only). The utility is run from a client with connectivity to both CAD and Finesse servers and allows for multi-stage migration of configuration data. Reason codes, wrap-up codes, phone books, contacts and some workflow actions are migrated.

Important Notes

  • The CAD to Finesse migration utility can be used with any version of UCCX supported for direct upgrade to 11.0(1). Check the Compatibility Matrix for versions supported for direct upgrade to 11.0(1). This utility is not compatible for upgrades to 11.5(1).
  • This utility is provided as Beta software from Cisco. As a result, it comes with no warranty or support from Cisco TAC. Best effort, non-urgent, support is available. See the Troubleshooting section for more details.
  • No rollback capabilities are provided by this utility. If the configuration is partially migrated or migrated incorrectly, the administrator can manually migrate or modify the configuration as appropriate. A file containing exported CAD configuration is generated and can be referenced for this purpose.
  • Currently, present configuration in Finesse is not overwritten by this utility but new configuration creation or Team assignment may fail if overlapping configuration exists when the utility runs.
  • Some configuration in CAD is not supported in Finesse or not migrated by this utility. Read the What Is Migrated section for further details.
  • Follow the steps in the When To Use The Migration Utility section carefully and perform each step at the appropriate point in the UCCX upgrade process.
  • The user has the option to send anonymous data to Cisco about the configuration migrated by this utility. This will enable Cisco to provide more utilities of this type in the future. See the What Is Sent To Cisco section for further details. Please consider consenting to send data to Cisco.

Download The Utility

  1. Download the utility zip file: cadtofinesse_1.11.zip.
  2. Verify the checksum for the file using a MD5 checksum utility.
    • Utility Filename: cadtofinesse_1.11.zip
    • MD5 Checksum:162545f2181c44bcdf104c426aee8e1
  3. Unzip the file in a folder on a Windows PC with connectivity to the UCCX server(s).

What Is Migrated

The utility migrates the following configuration:

  • Global & Workflow Group Not Ready Reason Codes
  • Global & Workflow Group Logout Reason Codes
  • Global & Workflow Group Wrapup Codes
  • Global & Workflow Group Phone Book Contacts
  • Global & Workflow Group Phone Books
  • Workflow Group Start Recording Actions
  • Workflow Group HTTP Actions

Workflow Group HTTP Actions associated with non-default Workflow Lists are not migrated. Only actions associated with the Default Workflow List are migrated by this utility.

The Workflow Group configuration is migrated to the Finesse Team ONLY if the Finesse Team name matches the Workflow Group name.

If the Workflow Group name matches the Finesse Team name, the Workflow Group specific configuration will be associated with the Finesse team. If the Workflow Group name does not match the Finesse Team name, the configuration will be migrated to Finesse, but will have to be assigned manually to the Finesse Team.

If the Finesse Team has configuration associated with it, the utility will append newly migrated configuration to the Finesse Team’s configuration.

When To Use The Migration Utility

The utility can be used in multiple migration scenarios. Choose the one that meets your needs.

If the current version of UCCX is 9.x, perform the steps for an in-place upgrade or migration to a new system below.

  1. Ensure all Workflow Group names match the Team Names in the Finesse system. Modify the Workflow Group or Team Names if necessary.
  2. In a maintenance window after a change freeze, run the migration utility. When prompted for the phase, enter ‘export’. This will back up the CAD LDAP and serialize the configuration on the PC on which the utility is being run.
  3. Note: Only configuration in the CAD LDAP before the ‘export’ phase is run will be migrated. Configuration added after the ‘export’ phase is run will not be migrated.
  4. If performing an in-place upgrade:
    • Upgrade the UCCX system to 11.0(1) and switch version if necessary.
    • Confirm through Finesse Administration the teams have been pre-populated in Finesse and the Team names match the Workflow Group names.
    • In a maintenance window, run the migration utility. When prompted for the phase, enter ‘import’. This will populate the Finesse configuration with the pre-prepared CAD configuration.
  5. If performing a migration to a new UCCX system:
    • Confirm through Finesse Administration the teams have been pre-populated in Finesse and the Team names match the Workflow Group names.
    • In a maintenance window, run the migration utility. When prompted for the phase, enter ‘import’. This will populate the Finesse configuration with the pre-prepared CAD configuration.
    • Verify the Finesse configuration is properly migrated and migrate any missing configuration manually.

If the current version of UCCX is 10.x or higher, choose a migration path from the options below:

  1. Performing the import first and then upgrading to 11.0(1).

    Note: Choosing this option will not migrate custom Enterprise Data Layout Lists or Fields.

    • Ensure all Workflow Group names match the Team Names in the Finesse system. Modify the Workflow Group or Team Names if necessary.
    • Active the Cisco Finesse service on the 10.x UCCX system.
    • Perform the ‘export’ phase of the utility (step 5.2).
    • Perform the ‘import’ phase of the utility (step 5.4).
    • Upgrade the system to UCCX 11.0(1).
  2. Performing the import post upgrade to 11.0(1)

    • Perform steps 5.1 – 5.3 to perform the migration during an in-place upgrade.

Running The Migration Utility

The migration utility runs in two phases, the export and import phases. The export phase extracts information from the CAD LDAP and serializes it on the disk where the utility is being run. The import phase uses this previously serialized information to configure Finesse. The import phase must be run by the utility in the same location (PC, folder etc.) as the export phase.

Perform the following steps to run the migration utility:

  1. For the export phase:
    • Open the Windows command prompt and migrate to the folder where the utility zip was extracted.
    • Run convert.exe from the command line.
    • When prompted, answer Yes to consent to the support terms.
    • When prompted for the phase, enter ‘export’.
    • When prompted, enter the IP address of the CAD server in H.H.H.H format.
    • When the connectivity check is completed, answer Yes to being the export phase.
  2. For the import phase:
    • Open the Windows command prompt and migrate to the folder where the utility zip was extracted.
    • Run convert.exe from the command line.
    • When prompted, answer Yes to consent to the support terms.
    • When prompted for the phase, enter ‘import’.
    • When prompted, enter the FQDN of the Finesse server and the Finesse administrator username and password.

What Is Sent To Cisco

If the user provides consent via the utility's prompt, the following data is sent to Cisco each time the utility’s ‘import’ phase runs:

  • IP of the machine where utility is running
  • Start and end time of each phase
  • Count of the following:
    • CAD Workflow Groups
    • CAD Workflow Group & Global Reason Codes
    • CAD Workflow Group & Global Wrapup Codes
    • CAD Workflow Group & Global Phone Books and Contacts
    • CAD Workflow Group HTTP Actions
    • CAD Enterprise Data Layouts and Fields
    • Finesse Teams
    • Finesse Reason Codes
    • Finesse Wrapup Codes
    • Finesse Phone Books and Contacts
    • Finesse HTTP Actions


All logs related to the migration script are located in the /support folder along with the serialized representation of the applicable CAD configuration. In case of issues running the migration utility, take a screenshot of the error received in the terminal window and zip the /support folder. Send all information to rlafount@cisco.com.

The script also performs a backup of the CAD LDAP in LDIF format and places this backup in the /backup folder. Use this LDIF to restore the CAD LDAP if necessary.

If the import phase fails, refer to the textdump.txt file located in the support directory. This contains a plain text export of the CAD configuration that was to be migrated to Finesse. Use this as a reference for configuring Finesse manually.