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Hosted Collaboration Solution Developer FAQs


What kind of authentication is used for the HCS Fulfillment APIs?

The HCM-F Fulfillment APIs use Basic Authentication over https. Use the HCS admin username and password to authenticate the API calls.

Where can I find information about the data entities in the Shared Data Repository?

The Shared Data Repository Data Model illustrates the relationships between the entities.

How do I get the WSDLs for the Fulfillment APIs?

You can find the url to retrieve the wsdl on the main page about each Fulfillment API. Go to the page for API you are interested in using.

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How do I get the WSDL for the Prime Central for HCS Web Service?

You can retrieve the wsdl from https://<prime-central-ip-address>:9090/EventManagement?wsdl

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