Model Driven Programmability
Model Driven Programmability
Simple, flexible and rich framework for device programmability. Data models provided a unified, software-friendly infrastructure for configuration management and device operations.
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Streaming Telemetry
Efficient mechanism for an IOS XR device to push network state. Telemetry leverages the same data-model infrastructure used in model-driven programmability.
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Application Hosting
Support the deployment of third-party software on an IOS XR device. Third-party apps provide rich capabilities to extend IOS XR with custom monitoring and management functionality for greater operational flexibility.
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Get started with these developer resources
Cisco 8000 Emulator Learning Lab
Classify and prioritize delay-sensitive traffic using Quality of Service, and then setup a pipeline to stream CPU data.
XRd Tutorials
XRd is a containerized XR operating system that you can deploy on any kind of on-premises or public cloud infrastructure.
IOS XR YANG Data Models
Explore the online YANG data models (Native, Unified, and OpenConfig) by product and release.
Discover IOS-XR Programmability Sample Code { "name": "napalm-automation/napalm", "description": "Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor suppor", "meta": { "CodeExchangeScore": "10", "CodeExchangeScoreReason": "|GitScore 1749 |Valid License type apache-2.alid readme with len 10108 |Last udated before 0 days ", "forksCounts": "328", "stargazersCount": "1223", "subscribersCount": "198", "watchersCount": "198" }, "categories": [ "Analytics & Automation", "Data Center", "Networking", "Open Source" ], "programmingLanguages": [ "Python" ], "additionalTags": [ "owner:napalm-automation" ] } { "name": "bigevilbeard/grpc_xr_example", "description": "This public repo contains python code that can be used to interact with the Cisco IOS XR devices.The environment is pre-configured to access the Cisco DevNet Always-...", "meta": { "CodeExchangeScore": "5", "CodeExchangeScoreReason": "|GitScore 3 |Valid License type bsd-3-clause |Valid readme with len 16412 |Last udated before 0 days ", "forksCounts": "0", "stargazersCount": "2", "subscribersCount": "1", "watchersCount": "1" }, "categories": [ "Analytics & Automation", "Networking", "Open Source" ], "programmingLanguages": [ "Python" ], "additionalTags": [ "owner:bigevilbeard" ] } { "name": "ncclient/ncclient", "description": "ncclient is a Python library that facilitates client-side scripting...", "meta": { "CodeExchangeScore": "10", "CodeExchangeScoreReason": "|GitScore 699 |Valid License type apache-2.0 |Valid readme with len 13024 |Last udated before 0 days ", "forksCounts": "271", "stargazersCount": "366", "subscribersCount": "62", "watchersCount": "162" }, "categories": [ "Networking", "Open Source" ], "programmingLanguages": [ "Python" ], "additionalTags": [ "owner:ncclient" ] } See more in Code Exchange

XRd Sandbox

XRd is a containerized IOS-XR operating system that you can deploy on any kind of on-premises or public cloud infrastructure.
XRd Sandbox
At the end of this Sandbox, you learn how to work with XRd in a containerized environment with a working segment routing topology.
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IOS XR Programmabilty Always On

The DevNet Sandboxes provide developers with zero-cost, easy access to infrastructure and platforms to develop and run code against 24x7.
IOS XR Programmabilty Always On
The IOS XR Always-On Sandbox provides an environment where developers and network engineers can explore the programmability options available on this routing platform.
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