With the Jabber Guest Android SDK, you can enable your application to instantiate a two-way video call via the public Internet between the user's device and a video endpoint registered with a CUCM inside an enterprise firewall. The SDK will handle all aspects of establishing and maintaining the two-way video call within your application.
This documentation is designed for people familiar with Android development and object-oriented programming concepts. You should also be familiar with Jabber Guest from a user's point of view.
This conceptual documentation is designed to let you quickly start exploring and developing applications with the Jabber Guest Android SDK. You may also wish to refer to the reference documentation for specific details of classes and methods.
License and Attribution Requirements
If you use the Jabber Guest Android SDK in your application, you must include the Cisco Jabber Guest attribution text as part of a "Legal Notices" section in your application. Including legal notices as an independent menu item, or as part of an "About" menu item, is recommended.
Certain libraries of the Jabber Guest Android SDK are licensed under an LGPL license.
Sample Code
Sample code can be found in this SDK bundle under the samples
directory. The sample application is a simplified version of the official Cisco Jabber Guest application found on the Google Play Store.
- Copyright 2020 Cisco Systems, Inc.