The CallFragment combines the SelfView, RemoteView, and CallBarView in a typical way to allow the user to communicate in a two-way video call. More...

Inherits, and OnTouchListener.

Public Member Functions

void setCallBarFadeDelay (int delay)
 Set the number of milliseconds of inactivity to wait before the CallBarView will execute an alpha animation to disappear. More...
int getCallBarFadeDelay ()
 Returns the number of milliseconds of inactivity before the CallBarView will execute an alpha animation to disappear. More...
void hideCallBar ()
 Hides the CallBar. More...
void showCallBar ()
 Executes an alpha animation (250ms duration) to cause the CallBarView to become visible in this Fragment. More...
boolean isKeypadOpen ()
 Queries the contained CallBarView to determine if its KepyadView is visible in the window. More...
boolean canAutoHideCallBar ()
 This method is called before auto-hiding the CallBar. More...
boolean isRemoteVideoActive ()
 Queries the active JabberGuestCall instance to determine if the called party is actively transmitting video to this Android device during the call. More...
 CallFragment ()
 CallFragment constructor. More...

Static Public Attributes

static final String ARG_CALL_BAR_FADE_DELAY = "call-bar-fade-delay"
 Fragment argument that controls the time that must elapse before controls are faded while a video call is active. More...
static final int DEFAULT_HIDE_DELAY = 3000
 The default amount of time (milliseconds) that must elapse before controls are faded while a video call is active.
static final String ARG_AUTO_HIDE_ACTION_BAR = "auto-hide-action-bar"
 Fragment argument that specifies if the action bar shall be hidden with the controls. More...

Protected Member Functions

void showStatistics ()
 Displays a call statistics view to the screen on top of the CallFragment.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from
void setEnableConfirmEndCallDialog (boolean value)
 Whether we should display the End call confirmation dialog when remote sharing is active. More...

Protected Attributes

Runnable mUpdateStatistics
 A Runnable responsible for updating a displayed call statistics view with the relevant call statistics. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from
boolean mEnableConfirmEndCallDialog = false
 Identifier for displaying the end call confirmation dialog box when doing remote sharing.

Detailed Description

The CallFragment combines the SelfView, RemoteView, and CallBarView in a typical way to allow the user to communicate in a two-way video call.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation ( )

CallFragment constructor.

The fragment will inflate RemoteView, SelfView and CallBarView and lay them out according to the device display. It will also connect the views to the current JabberGuestCall instance.

CallFragment instance.

Member Function Documentation

boolean ( )

This method is called before auto-hiding the CallBar.

If the CallBar fade delay is set to a positive value, and this method returns true, the CallBar will be hidden. If this method returns false, the CallBar will stay visible.

The default behavior is to keep CallBar on the screen if the keypad is open, a touch event is in progress or no remote video is being received. Override this method to change this behavior.

False if the keypad is open, a touch event is in progress or the remote video is inactive. Otherwise, returns true.
int ( )

Returns the number of milliseconds of inactivity before the CallBarView will execute an alpha animation to disappear.

If this value has not been previously set, a default value of 3000 milliseconds will be used.

Optionally, this animation can be disabled entirely by using the setCallBarFadeDelay function to set the fade delay for the CallBarView to 0. If this has been previously done, this function will then instead return a value of 0.

The current fade delay for the CallBarView, in milliseconds, or 0 if the animation has been disabled.
void ( )

Hides the CallBar.

See showCallBar() for animation details.

boolean ( )

Queries the contained CallBarView to determine if its KepyadView is visible in the window.

True if the contained KeypadView of the CallBarView is visible, false otherwise.
boolean ( )

Queries the active JabberGuestCall instance to determine if the called party is actively transmitting video to this Android device during the call.

True if the active JabberGuestCall instance is in the started state and is receiving video, false otherwise.
void ( int  delay)

Set the number of milliseconds of inactivity to wait before the CallBarView will execute an alpha animation to disappear.

If this value has not been previously set, a default value of 3000 milliseconds will be used.

Optionally, this animation can be disabled entirely by using this function to set the fade delay for the CallBarView to 0.

msDelayThe desired milliseconds to wait before starting alpha animation to cause the CallBarView to disappear, or 0 to disable this animation.
void ( )

Executes an alpha animation (250ms duration) to cause the CallBarView to become visible in this Fragment.

If there is no active KeypadView visible on the screen, and the fade delay animation has not been disabled (see setFadeDelay), this will also restart the fade delay timer for the CallBarView. If there is an active KeypadView visible on the screen, then the fade delay timer will not reset until that KeypadView is dismissed. The isKeypadOpen method can inform whether or not a KeypadView is currently visible.

Member Data Documentation

final String = "auto-hide-action-bar"

Fragment argument that specifies if the action bar shall be hidden with the controls.

Default is false.

final String = "call-bar-fade-delay"

Fragment argument that controls the time that must elapse before controls are faded while a video call is active.

Default is 3000ms.


A Runnable responsible for updating a displayed call statistics view with the relevant call statistics.

Updates are made to this statistics view every 500 milliseconds using this Runnable.