Class Reference

Represents statistics relevant to an active call's audio and video multimedia streams at a single moment in time, when retrieved from the JabberGuestCall getStatistics method. More...

Public Member Functions

String toString ()
 Provides a string containing all the call statistics. More...

Public Attributes

String audioTransmitCodecName
 String representing the codec for the transmitted audio.
int audioTransmitCodecPayloadType
 Integer representing the codec payload for the transmitted audio.
int audioTransmitCodecType
 Integer representing the codec type for the transmitted audio.
int audioTransmitCodecClockRate
 Integer representing the codec clock rate for the transmitted audio.
int audioTransmitSentPackets
 Integer representing the number of packets sent for the transmitted audio.
int audioTransmitPacketsReceived
 Integer for the number of packets returned for transmitted audio.
int audioTransmitPacketsLost
 Integer representing the number of packets lost for transmitted audio.
float audioTransmitPercentLost
 Percentage of packets lost for transmitted audio.
float audioTransmitCumPercentLost
 Cumulative percentage of packets lost for transmitted audio.
int audioTransmitBitrate
 Integer representing the bit rate for transmitted audio.
int audioTransmitJitter
 Integer representing the jitter in transmitted audio.
int audioTransmitRoundTrip
 Integer representing the round-trip time for transmitted audio.
String audioReceiveCodecName
 String representing the codec for the received audio.
int audioReceiveCodecPayloadType
 Integer representing the codec payload for the received audio.
int audioReceiveCodecType
 Integer representing the codec type for the received audio.
int audioReceiveCodecClockRate
 Integer representing the codec clock rate for the received audio.
int audioReceivePacketsReceived
 Integer for the number of packets returned for received audio.
int audioReceivePacketsLost
 Integer representing the number of packets lost for received audio.
float audioReceivePercentLost
 Percentage of packets lost for received audio.
float audioReceiveCumPercentLost
 Cumulative percentage of packets lost for transmitted audio.
int audioReceiveBitrate
 Integer representing the bit rate for received audio.
int audioReceiveJitter
 Integer representing the jitter in received audio.
String videoTransmitCodecName
 String representing the codec for the transmitted video.
int videoTransmitCodecPayloadType
 Integer representing the codec payload for the transmitted video.
int videoTransmitCodecType
 Integer representing the codec type for the transmitted video.
int videoTransmitCodecClockRate
 Integer representing the codec clock rate for the transmitted video.
int videoTransmitSentPackets
 Integer representing the packets sent for the transmitted video.
int videoTransmitPacketsReceived
 Integer for the number of packets returned for transmitted video.
int videoTransmitPacketsLost
 Integer representing the packets lost for the transmitted video.
float videoTransmitPercentLost
 Percentage of packets lost for transmitted video.
float videoTransmitCumPercentLost
 Cumulative percentage of packets lost for transmitted video.
int videoTransmitBitrate
 Integer representing the bit rate for the transmitted video.
int videoTransmitJitter
 Integer representing the jitter for the transmitted video.
int videoTransmitRoundTrip
 Integer representing the round-trip time for transmitted video.
float videoTransmitFramesPerSecond
 Float representing the frames per second for the transmitted video.
int videoTransmitFrameHeight
 Integer representing the frame height for the transmitted video.
int videoTransmitFrameWidth
 Integer representing the frame width for the transmitted video.
String videoReceiveCodecName
 String representing the codec for the received video.
int videoReceiveCodecPayloadType
 Integer representing the codec payload for the received video.
int videoReceiveCodecType
 Integer representing the codec type for the received video.
int videoReceiveCodecClockRate
 Integer representing the codec clock rate for the received video.
int videoReceivePacketsReceived
 Integer for the number of packets returned for received video.
int videoReceivePacketsLost
 Integer representing the packets lost for the transmitted video.
float videoReceivePercentLost
 Percentage of packets lost for received video.
float videoReceiveCumPercentLost
 Cumulative percentage of packets lost for received video.
int videoReceiveBitrate
 Integer representing the bit rate for the transmitted video.
int videoReceiveJitter
 Integer representing the jitter for the received video.
float videoReceiveFramesPerSecond
 Float representing the frames per second for the received video.
int videoReceiveFrameHeight
 Integer representing the frame height for the received video.
int videoReceiveFrameWidth
 Integer representing the frame width for the received video.
long mElaspedRealtimeAtStart
 Long representing the time at which the active call started.
long mDuration
 Long representing the duration of the active call.

Detailed Description

Represents statistics relevant to an active call's audio and video multimedia streams at a single moment in time, when retrieved from the JabberGuestCall getStatistics method.

Member Function Documentation

String ( )

Provides a string containing all the call statistics.

The string returned is suitably formatted for a log statement.