Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NsdkAutomatically generated file
 NstatisticsCopyright 2020 Cisco
 CLogLogging class used by the SDK
 CAudioRouteManagerThe AudioRouteManager can be used to query and set audio paths available on the device
 CBaseTextureViewLayoutAbstract view that is extended by DataView, PreviewView, RemoteView, and SelfView
 CCallBarViewA view that represents controls that can alter the functionality of an active call
 CCallFragmentThe CallFragment combines the SelfView, RemoteView, and CallBarView in a typical way to allow the user to communicate in a two-way video call
 CCallServiceThe CallService monitors an active Jabber Guest call and provides a number of benefits
 CDataViewA view that represents the called party's shared screen during an active call
 CVisibleEdgesEnum declaring all possible visible edges for the contained TextureView inside this DataView
 CJabberGuestCallThis is the main class of the Jabber Guest Android SDK
 CAudioRouteTypeRepresents the supported audio routes
 CAutoCallEventRepresent the different events that take place once a auto call is either in the prepared or executed states
 CCallControlEventRepresent the different events that take place once a call is either in the starting or started states
 CCallStatisticsRepresents statistics relevant to an active call's audio and video multimedia streams at a single moment in time, when retrieved from the JabberGuestCall getStatistics method
 CCaptureOrientationUsed to specify the desired capture orientation when calling setCaptureOrientation()
 CJabberGuestInvalidCertificateCallbackWhenever a JabberGuestCall instance encounters an error condition verifying the validity of a certificate installed on a Cisco Jabber Guest server, the instance will attempt to notify the implementing application of this failure, by calling this method, as long as the application has registered a valid implementation of this interface with this JabberGuestCall class prior to encountering the certificate error
 CStateRepresent the different states that a JabberGuestCall instance can be in
 CTelephonyAudioAn enum used to relate various DTMF tones from the KeypadView to their corresponding audio files used during playback of those tones
 CJabberGuestCallActivityJabberGuestCallActivity is the simplest method of adding Jabber Guest into your application
 CKeypadViewA view that represents a telephone keypad during an active call
 CPreviewFragmentThe PreviewFragment combines the PreviewView and CallBarView to allow the user to preview their video and initiate a two-way video call with a specified endpoint URI
 CPreviewViewA view that represents the local user's video before a call is placed
 CRemoteViewA view that represents the called party's video during an active call
 CRenderCallbacksInterface definition for callbacks invoked when a given TextureView is receiving frames from a media source (local or remote)
 CSelfViewA view that represents the local user's transmitted video during an active call
 CJcfJniHelperCreated by pengliu2 on 11/16/16
 CJcfNetworkInterfaceInfoCreated by pengliu2 on 11/16/16