Logging class used by the SDK. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void v (String tag, final String msg, final Throwable tr)
 Write a VERBOSE log message. More...
static void v (String tag, final String msg)
 Write a VERBOSE log message. More...
static void d (String tag, final String msg, final Throwable tr)
 Write a DEBUG log message. More...
static void d (String tag, final String msg)
 Write a DEBUG log message. More...
static void i (String tag, final String msg, final Throwable tr)
 Write a INFO log message. More...
static void i (String tag, final String msg)
 Write a INFO log message. More...
static void w (String tag, final String msg, final Throwable tr)
 Write a WARN log message. More...
static void w (String tag, final String msg)
 Write a WARN log message. More...
static void e (String tag, final String msg, final Throwable tr)
 Write a ERROR log message. More...
static void e (String tag, final String msg)
 Write a ERROR log message. More...
static void wtf (String tag, final String msg, final Throwable tr)
 Write a WTF (what a terrible failure, aka ASSERT) log message. More...
static void wtf (String tag, final String msg)
 Write a WTF (what a terrible failure, aka ASSERT) log message. More...
static boolean check (int level)
 Check to see if the passed level is loggable. More...
static int getLogLevel ()
 Returns the last log level value set for SDK logs. More...
static void setLogLevel (int level)
 Set log level at runtime. More...
static int getJcfLogLevel ()
 Returns the last log level value set for included native libraries. More...
static void setJcfLogLevel (int level)
 Set the log level for included native libraries at runtime. More...
static int getCpveLogLevel ()
 Returns the last log level value set for CPVE. More...
static void setCpveLogLevel (int level)
 Set the log level for CPVE at runtime. More...
static void setGlobalLogLevel (int level)
 Set the log level for LogController at runtime. More...
static void setGlobalLoggingEnable (boolean enabled)
 Set the Global Logging enable or disable. More...
static int convertLogLevelString (String strLogLevel)
 Maps a string stored in shared preferences for a log level used by this SDK to its Android log level counterpart. More...

Static Public Attributes

static final int LOG_OFF = 8
 Priority constant for set the log level to off.
static final String GLOBAL_LOG_TAG = "JabberGuestSDK"
 This string is the "tag" value used when this SDK logs any statements to LogCat.
static final String KEY_PREF_LOGLEVEL = "LOGLEVEL"
 When saving SDK log settings to shared preferences, the value will be stored under this key value.
 When saving Native Library log settings to shared preferences, the value will be stored under this key value.
 When saving CPVE log settings to shared preferences, the value will be stored under this key value.
 When saving Global Logging state to shared preferences, the value will be stored under this key value.

Static Protected Attributes

static int mLogLevel = android.util.Log.WARN
 Stores the maximum current logging level used by the Jabber Guest for Android SDK.
static int mCpveLogLevel = android.util.Log.WARN
 Stores the maximum current logging level used by the internal video engine.
static int mJcfLogLevel = android.util.Log.WARN
 Stores the maximum current logging level used by the internal native libraries.

Detailed Description

Logging class used by the SDK.

Log level is controlled by either system settings, e.g. adb shell setprop log.tag.JabberGuestSDK DEBUG or using the setLogLevel() function. The most permissive setting wins.

The default level is android.util.Log.WARN. That includes WARN, ERROR and ASSERT.

Log writing functions such as e(), w(), etc. map to their namesake functions in android.util.Log.

Member Function Documentation

static boolean com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.check ( int  level)

Check to see if the passed level is loggable.

levelthe log level to check. Use a value from android.util.Log
true if the loglevel is currently enabled
static int com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.convertLogLevelString ( String  strLogLevel)

Maps a string stored in shared preferences for a log level used by this SDK to its Android log level counterpart.

Will return default value of android.util.Log.WARN.

strLogLevelThe shared preferences value of a log level.
Android log level corresponding to the input strLogLevel value, or android.util.Log.WARN if input is not valid.
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.d ( String  tag,
final String  msg,
final Throwable  tr 

Write a DEBUG log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.
trAn exception to log
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.d ( String  tag,
final String  msg 

Write a DEBUG log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.e ( String  tag,
final String  msg,
final Throwable  tr 

Write a ERROR log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.
trAn exception to log
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.e ( String  tag,
final String  msg 

Write a ERROR log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.
static int com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.getCpveLogLevel ( )

Returns the last log level value set for CPVE.

Android log level indicating maximum value to be included in LogCat.
static int com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.getJcfLogLevel ( )

Returns the last log level value set for included native libraries.

Android log level indicating maximum value to be included in LogCat.
static int com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.getLogLevel ( )

Returns the last log level value set for SDK logs.

Android log level indicating maximum value to be included in LogCat.
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.i ( String  tag,
final String  msg,
final Throwable  tr 

Write a INFO log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.
trAn exception to log
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.i ( String  tag,
final String  msg 

Write a INFO log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.setCpveLogLevel ( int  level)

Set the log level for CPVE at runtime.

levelA value from android.util.Log.
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.setGlobalLoggingEnable ( boolean  enabled)

Set the Global Logging enable or disable.

when Set the Global Logging enable, Global Log level will set to INFO by default, and UI log level will set to Warn when Set the Global Logging disable, Global Log level will set to OFF, and UI log level will set to OFF

enabledA value from android.util.Log.
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.setGlobalLogLevel ( int  level)

Set the log level for LogController at runtime.

if set Global level to off then any logs will not show in LogController.

levelA value from android.util.Log.
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.setJcfLogLevel ( int  level)

Set the log level for included native libraries at runtime.

levelA value from android.util.Log.
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.setLogLevel ( int  level)

Set log level at runtime.

levelA value from android.util.Log.
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.v ( String  tag,
final String  msg,
final Throwable  tr 

Write a VERBOSE log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.
trAn exception to log
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.v ( String  tag,
final String  msg 

Write a VERBOSE log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.w ( String  tag,
final String  msg,
final Throwable  tr 

Write a WARN log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.
trAn exception to log
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.w ( String  tag,
final String  msg 

Write a WARN log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.wtf ( String  tag,
final String  msg,
final Throwable  tr 

Write a WTF (what a terrible failure, aka ASSERT) log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.
trAn exception to log
static void com.cisco.jabber.guest.sdk.util.Log.wtf ( String  tag,
final String  msg 

Write a WTF (what a terrible failure, aka ASSERT) log message.

tagUsed to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.
msgThe message you would like logged.