Enum Reference

Represents the supported audio routes. More...

Public Attributes

 speaker =(R.string.jgsdk_speaker, R.drawable.jgsdk_ic_menu_speaker_normal)
 The speaker on a device.
 earphone =(R.string.jgsdk_earphone, R.drawable.jgsdk_ic_menu_earphone)
 The default speaker for routing audio on a phone device when handling a telephony call. More...
 bluetooth =(R.string.jgsdk_bluetooth, R.drawable.jgsdk_ic_menu_bluetooth)
 A Bluetooth headset.

Detailed Description

Represents the supported audio routes.

Member Data Documentation =(R.string.jgsdk_earphone, R.drawable.jgsdk_ic_menu_earphone)

The default speaker for routing audio on a phone device when handling a telephony call.

Headphones are also represented by this type. If the device does not have telephony capabilities then this value and speaker will likely be the same when headphones are not plugged-in.