CJGuestCallKeypadView Class Reference

The CJGuestCallKeypadView custom view. More...

#import <CJGuestCallKeypadView.h>

Inherits UIView.

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithOrigin:
 Initializes the view at the origin coordinates. More...
(CGSize) - getKeypadSize
 Returns the keypad size. More...

Class Methods

(NSString *) + stringFromGuestKeypadButton:
 Helper method to provide the string representation of the CJGuestCallKeypadButtonType. More...


BOOL playKeypadTones
 Controls whether the keypad view will play a tone with each keypad button press. More...

Detailed Description

The CJGuestCallKeypadView custom view.

Method Documentation

- (CGSize) getKeypadSize

Returns the keypad size.

CGSize(CGFloat width, CGFloat height)
- (id) initWithOrigin: (CGPoint)  origin

Initializes the view at the origin coordinates.

The view is fixed to a specific size. Attempting to create or re-set the view to a different size may result in undesired behavior.

originThe x/y coordinates to present the view.
+ (NSString *) stringFromGuestKeypadButton: (CJGuestCallKeypadButtonType type

Helper method to provide the string representation of the CJGuestCallKeypadButtonType.

typeThe button type.
NSString String representation of the button type.

Property Documentation

- (BOOL) playKeypadTones

Controls whether the keypad view will play a tone with each keypad button press.

  • true(default) - Play tones with each keypad button press.
  • false - Do not play tones with each keypad button press.