CJGuestCallViewController Class Reference

JabberGuest/JabberGuestSDK/JabberGuestSDKLib The high-level Jabber Guest controller object. More...

#import <CJGuestCallViewController.h>

Inheritance diagram for CJGuestCallViewController:

Instance Methods

(void) - showCallStatistics
 displays a tranparent window showing call statistics for an active call
(void) - configureFromURL:
 Configures the controller by parsing a URL. More...
(void) - enterBackground
 Handles all the details of having an active call go to the background. More...
(void) - enterForeground
 Handles all the details of having an active call go to the foreground. More...
(void) - terminate
 Handles terminating an active call when your app terminates. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <CJGuestCallBarViewDelegate>
(void) - callBarView:clickedButton:
 A button on the view has been pressed. More...
(void) - callBarViewDidDismissKeypad:
 The keypad view was dismissed from to the CallBarView. More...
(void) - callBarViewDidPresentKeypad:
 The keypad view was presented from the CallBarView. More...

Class Methods

(BOOL) + hasActiveCall
 Returns YES if the call state is connected, connecting, or disconnecting.


NSString * serverName
 The Jabber Guest server name.
NSString * toURI
 The URI to call.
id< CJGuestCallViewControllerDelegatedelegate
 The delegate that implements the CJGuestCallViewControllerDelegate protocol.
NSTimeInterval secondsCallBarHide
 The number of seconds to keep the call bar visible after it is made visible.
BOOL confirmBeforeHangupDuringScreenShare
 Controls whether the pressing End Call during screen share requires confirmation. More...

Detailed Description

JabberGuest/JabberGuestSDK/JabberGuestSDKLib The high-level Jabber Guest controller object.

Method Documentation

- (void) configureFromURL: (NSURL *)  url

Configures the controller by parsing a URL.

The URL must follow the format as defined in the Custom URL Schemes documentation.

Typically, you would call this from your app delegate's handleURL: method.

serverName and toURI are set to the values pulled out of the URL.

urlThe URL to parse.
- (void) enterBackground

Handles all the details of having an active call go to the background.

Call this method from your app delegate's applicationWillResignActive: or applicationDidEnterBackground: implementations.

- (void) enterForeground

Handles all the details of having an active call go to the foreground.

Call this method from your app delegate's applicationWillEnterForeground: or applicationDidBecomeActive: implementations.

- (void) terminate

Handles terminating an active call when your app terminates.

Call this method from your app delegate's applicationWillTerminate: implementation.

Property Documentation

- (BOOL) confirmBeforeHangupDuringScreenShare

Controls whether the pressing End Call during screen share requires confirmation.

  • true - Prompt user before hangup during screen share.
  • false(default) - Do not prompt user before hangup during screen share.