
The Platform Administrative Web services uses the HTTPS Basic Authentication scheme. The client is required to have platform administrator credentials, platform administrator user ID and password.

You must include the Authorization header in the HTTPS header. Base64 encoding takes three 8-bit bytes and represents them as four printable ASCII characters. If the encoded header does not contain an even multiple of four ASCII characters (16, 20, 24, and so on), you must add padding characters (=) to complete the final group of four.

If user authentication of the user fails, the system returns an HTTP 401 Access Denied error to the client. For example, if the user wants to send the userid “joeblogs” and password “test123,” it use the following header field:

Authorization: Basic am9lYmxvZ3M6dGVzdDEyMw==

where the string “am9lYmxvZ3M6dGVzdDEyMw==” provides the Base64 encoding of “larry:curly and moe.” Note that the two “equals” (=) characters at the end of the string act as padding characters for Base64 encoding.

Because PAWS uses HTTPS, you will need to enable SSL support in your application. Depending on the specific technology used by your application, you may need to manually install the Unified Communication application's self signed certificate into a local truststore for your application.