
The getHardwareInformation method returns detailed hardware information, including everything from the HardwareModelService, as well as CPU/Memory information.

Request Parameters
Response Parameters (return element children)

A result code such as internal.request.complete that describes the result. See Error Codes in the Developer's Guide for details.

Some of these parameters are self-explanatory:
    • diskCount - The number of disks.
    • diskInformation
      • number - Number of disks.
      • size - Size in gigabytes.
      • total - Total number of disks.
    • hasMotorizedDriveTray - Does the drive have a motorized drive tray?
    • isServerHeadless - Is the server headless (no monitor).
    • memory - Memory installed.
    • memoryAvailable - How much of that memory is available.
    • memoryUsed - How much of that memory is in use.
    • model - The model of the hardware (or virtual machine).
    • objectId - The object ID.
    • oemModel - The OEM model, if available.
    • opticalDrives
      • driveTray - Is the optical drive tray motorized?
    • partitions - There may be multiple partitions. There are three in this sample case.
      • 0 - First partition.
        • available - Available space.
        • name - The name or mount point of the partition.
        • total - Total space on the partition.
        • unrestricted - Whether or not the partition is unrestricted.
        • used - How much space on the partition is used.
      • 1 - Second partition.
        • available - Available space.
        • name - The name or mount point of the partition.
        • total - Total space on the partition.
        • unrestricted - Whether or not the partition is unrestricted.
        • used - How much space on the partition is used.
      • 2 - Third partition.
        • available - Available space.
        • name - The name or mount point of the partition.
        • total - Total space on the partition.
        • unrestricted - Whether or not the partition is unrestricted.
        • used - How much space on the partition is used.
    • processorCount
    • processorSpeed
    • processorType
    • raidStatus - Information about RAID if available.
    • serialNumber - Serial number of the machine or virtual machine.
    • supportedHardware - True if hardware is supported, false if not.
    • virtualMachine - True if this is a virtual machine, false if not.

Example Request and Response
Request Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
	<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="">
		<wsa:Action>urn: getHardwareInformation</wsa:Action>
		<getHardwareInformation xmlns=""/>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
	<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="">
		<ns:getHardwareInformationResponse xmlns:ns="">
			<ns:return xmlns:ax293="" xmlns:ax294="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ax293:HardwareInformationResponse">
				<ax293:hardwareInformation xsi:type="ax293:HardwareInformation">
					<ax293:processorType>Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz</ax293:processorType>
					<ax293:raidStatus>No RAID information is available ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Physical device information ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Disks : 1 Hard Disk #1 Size (in GB) : 80</ax293:raidStatus>
					<ax293:serialNumber>VMware-42 09 cb 44 ba 75 bc a1-35 6b 51 bb 9e 9a dd 02</ax293:serialNumber>