
The m2DataExport method begins an export of the database to an external FTP server.

Request Parameters

The remote SFTP directory where the exported data gets copied to

The remote IP Address of SFTP Directory

The remote SFTP username for logging in to the FTP server.

The remote SFTP password for logging in to the FTP server.

The Destination Hostname

The Destination IpAddress

This example shows that an error occurred.

Response Parameters (return element children)

A result code such as data.export.succeeded that describes the result. See Error Codes in the Developer's Guide for details.


A status code such as error.undetermined.result if there is undetermined result.
A status code such as error.invalid.cmd.args if invalid command line args detected..
A status code such as error.multiple.instance.notallowed if multiple concurrent instance of this program is forbidden.
A status code such as error.create.pid if failed to create PID file.
A status code such as error.remove.pid if failed to remove the PID file.
A status code such as error.acquireLock if failed to acquire the LOCK file.
A status code such as error.releaseLock if failed to remove the LOCK file.
A status code such as error.require.abosulte.sftpPath if SFTP directory path is not an absolute path.
A status code such as error.sftp.not.reachable if server failed validation or is unreachable.
A status code such as error.invalid.sftp.password if SFTP password provided is null.
A status code such as error.createClusterInfo if failed to create the cluster info xml file.
A status code such as error.setPermissions.ClusterInfo if failed to set permissions of cluster info xml file.
A status code such as error.create.nodedirectory if failed to create node directory..
A status code such as error.currNode.auth.failed if the current node is not authenticated.
A status code such as error.export.util.failed if export util failed.
A status code such as error.component.install.failed if component install failed..
A status code such as error.copy.ucplatform.failed if copying uc platform post failed.
A status code such as error.delete.oldexportdata if failed to delete the data of the previous data export operation in the SFTP server.
A status code such as error.create.rootdir if failed to create root directory.
A status code such as error.get.activeVer if failed to fetch the active version.
A status code such as error.copy.remoteserver if failed to copy the export data to remote server.
A status code such as error.dataExport.start if user selected not to start the data export.
A status code such as error.incorrect.format if not in correct format.
A status code such as error.delete.sftp if failed to delete the existing cluster folder in the given sftp location.
A status code such as error.publisher.export.notfound if publisher's export did not run.
A status code such as error.create.exportDirectory if failed to create dataexport directory..
A status code such as error.dynamic.export.failed if dynamic data export failed.

If nil="true" then there are no remote messages. Otherwise:

  • error - Boolean, true if an error occurred, false otherwise
  • info - Boolean
  • messageKey - A result code such as internal.request.denied.lock if such an error occurred
  • messageType - The type of error, such as internal.message.error
  • warning - Boolean, true if this is a warning, false if not
  • messageParams - Information about the message
    • 0 - There can be more than one message parameter. This sample has three.
    • 1 - There can be more than one message parameter. This sample has three.
    • 2 - There can be more than one message parameter. This sample has three.

Example Request and Response
Request Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
	<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing">
		<wsa:Action>urn: m2DataExport</wsa:Action>
		<m2DataExport xmlns="http://services.api.platform.vos.cisco.com"/>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
	<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing">
		<ns:m2DataExportResponse xmlns:ns="http://services.api.platform.vos.cisco.com">
			<ns:return xmlns:ax2106="http://api.platform.vos.cisco.com/xsd" xmlns:ax2105="http://element.services.api.platform.vos.cisco.com/xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ax2105:M2DataExportResponse">
				<ax2105:remoteMessages xsi:type="ax2105:RemoteMessage">