TAPI Developer Training Materials and Sample Applications

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Interface Introduction.pptx
  • 18 Feb 2011: Overview of all Cisco Unified Communication Manager Interfaces. Includes architecture diagrams, suggested uses, methods available, documentation, scalability, and troubleshooting. Updated: Jan 2011
Cisco TAPI Sample Application Project - Cisco Device Specific Methods.zip
  • 27 May 2008: Exemplifies usage of Cisco Device Specific Methods. Uses TAPI 2.1 and Cisco TSP. MWI DevSpecific Methods for Rev 1.0.
Cisco TAPI Sample Application Project.zip
  • 27 May 2008: This sample application implements an answering machine application using TAPI 2.1. Allows call redirection, call forwarding, call conferencing, and message recording.