How Do I Get Started
The UC Express Services SDK is intended for developers who are developing voice applications on Cisco Unified CME. Developers who are already familiar with the JTAPI development environment for CUCM will find the UC Express Services SDK for CME to be based on very similar command formats.
The developer must have knowledge or experience in the following areas:
- Cisco IOS software
- Java programming
The developer can download the UC Express Services SDK here.
Applications Server
- JAR files for UC Express Services SDK: cme_sdk_x.y.z.jar, where x.y.z is the version number.
- Java version 6 must be installed and included in the application.
- All SDK JAR files must be in the CLASS PATH ( For more details please refer to the Quick Start Guide )
Cisco Unified CME Router
- Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)XA ( CME 8.0 ) or beyond
- Cisco Unified CME 8.x must be configured on the Cisco router. For configuration information, see the Cisco Unified CME Administrator Guide here
- XML interface must be manually configured in Cisco Unified CME. See the "Configuring XML Interface" module in the Cisco Unified CME Administrator Guide here.
To prepare the developer's environment for developing applications using the UC Express Services SDK, perform the following steps:
- 1. Import all java source files into each source directory.
- 2. Include all JAR files into the CLASS PATH.
- CME_SDK_0_1_x.jar
- caffeine-stack-
- cme.xml.sdk.jaxb.jar
- concurrent-1.3.4.jar
- jain-sip-1.0.jar
- log4j-1.2.8.jar
- trove-1.0.2.jar
Please Refer to the UC Express Services SDK Quick Start Guide for Sample Configuration.