[ { "title":"Security", "url":"/site/security/" }, { "title":"Secure Malware Analytics" } ] Learn https://learninglabs.cisco.com/labs/tags/threatGrid/page/1 _blank Docs https://panacea.threatgrid.com/mask/doc/mask/index Community https://community.cisco.com/t5/other-security/bd-p/j-disc-dev-security
What can you do with Secure Malware Analytics APIs?
Sample Analysis Submit Files for analysis Parse results for indicators Take action in the environment Context and Enrichment Associate indicators with a malware family Link a payload delivery to a Word Doc Correlate host and network indicators Threat Hunting Find naming patterns in files or domains Map out infrastructure used in a campaign Collect command line arguments used by malware
Get started with the Learning Labs images/learning-lab-small.svg https://learninglabs.cisco.com/lab/Cisco%20threatGrid-101/step/1 _blank Introduction to Cisco Threat Grid Platform The purpose of this learning lab is to understand the basics of the Cisco Threat Grid platform. images/learning-lab-small.svg https://learninglabs.cisco.com/lab/Introduction%20to%20the%20Cisco%20Threat%20Grid%20API/step/1 _blank Introduction to the Threat Grid API The purpose of this learning lab is to understand the basics of the Cisco Threat Grid API and how to easily operationalize the threat intelligence it makes available.
Find sample code and scripts View more sample code https://github.com/search?q=topic%3Athreat-grid+org%3ACiscoSecurity _blank button btn-primary btn-lg-wide Threat Grid Basics https://github.com/CiscoSecurity/tg-01-basics _blank Cisco Scripts that cover the basics of interacting with the Threat Grid API Python Working with Tags https://github.com/CiscoSecurity/tg-01-tags _blank Cisco Scripts to leverage tagging capabilities of Threat Grid Python Bulk Submit https://github.com/CiscoSecurity/tg-04-bulk-submit _blank Cisco Easily submit files in bulk to Threat Grid via the API Python Sample Collection https://github.com/CiscoSecurity/tg-04-continuous-sample-collection _blank Cisco Example of continuously collecting Sample ID's for and organizations submitted samples Python Rate Limit Check https://github.com/CiscoSecurity/tg-04-rate-limit-check _blank Cisco Check the user and organization API rate limits for a given API Key Python Indicator to IPs and Domains https://github.com/CiscoSecurity/tg-04-indicator-to-ips-domains _blank Cisco Query for one or more indicators and get a list of public IPs and domains Python