Getting operational data on a remote IOS XE device using NETCONF Yang, and posting the output in Webex Teams.
Webex Teams webhooks
A webhook is an HTTP callback, or an HTTP POST, to a specified URL that notifies your app when a particular activity or “event” has occurred in one of your resources on the Webex Teams platform. The benefit of using webhooks is that they allow your application to receive real-time data from Webex Teams, so you can keep up with the state of your resources (i.e. rooms, messages, memberships, etc.).
More information about Webex Teams wehbooks
Getting started
Creating a Virtual env and install the required packages.
Run the commands below to create a virtual environment and activate it. Commands might slightly differ depending of your OS. Commands below are for Unix kernerls.
python -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
Then, install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you run the bot directly on your computer, you can use ngrok to make it publicly accessible via a public URL.
Sart ngrok on port 8080.
./ngrok http 8080
Launching the bot
Then, execute the ./core/
Capabilities of the bot are listed in the ./core/
Webhooks tools
Webex Teams webhooks
A webhook is an HTTP callback, or an HTTP POST, to a specified URL that notifies your app when a particular activity or “event” has occurred in one of your resources on the Webex Teams platform. The benefit of using webhooks is that they allow your application to receive real-time data from Webex Teams, so you can keep up with the state of your resources (i.e. rooms, messages, memberships, etc.).
More information about Webex Teams wehbooks
Post Webhooks for when my bot is mentioned, and when my bot is added to a new room.
- mentioned will be sent to
- mentioned will be sent to
Usage: python [-h] -t TOKEN -u URL
To avoid errors, if the URL giving as a parameter ends with a "/", removes it.
Deletes all active webhooks for a specific Webex Teams token.
Usage: [-h] -t TOKEN
Set of functions used by the files in this folder.
Interfaces configuration data
Listing the interfaces with their configuration data.
ARP data
Listing the ARP table of the device.