Thousand Eyes SDK
As adoption of Thousand Eyes increases, usage of the api for various things also increases. In some cases, the usage of that API is automated. This SDK facilitates how to work with the Thousand Eyes SDK in a pythonic way. This SDK abstracts the Thousand Eyes API into a python library to be used for writing python code that interacts with the Thousand Eyes API.
Note: This SDK is beta and is supported at best-effort. Please raise issues as you find them. Pull requests are more than welcome.
A Thousand Eyes Python SDK for the Thousand Eyes Monitoring Service API
from thousandeyessdk import ThousandEyes
client = ThousandEyes(username='<your_username>', auth_token='<your_auth_token>')
# Get a single alert
alert = client.alerts.get(12345678)
# Print rule expression from all alerts
for alert in client.alerts.list():
# Print all test IDs
for test in client.tests.list():
# Print all endpoint test intervals
for endpoint_test in client.endpoint_tests.list():
# Get the test for an alert
alert = client.alerts.get(12345678)
alert_test = alert.test
# Get only active alerts
active_alerts = [i for i in alerts if i.active == 1]
# Hit the API directly without the SDK abstraction
alerts = te._request('/alerts')
# Hit the api directly and specify the method explicitly
agents = te._request(method='GET', url='/agents')