Use Cases
Pre-requisites, Guidelines
Python Cloud Connections Client
Cloud Configuration Lifecycle
Cloud Connections Lifecycle
Observe public cloud assets in Cisco Cloud Observability Platform
* As a Cloud Admin, automate cloud connections to AWS leveraging Cisco Cloud Observability Platform
Cloud Connections API to pull metrics data from AWS Services (Load
Balancers, Storage, Hosts, Databases)
* As a Cloud Admin, automate cloud connections to Azure Cloud
leveraging Cisco Cloud Observability Platform Connections API to pull metrics data from Azure
Services (Load Balancers, Storage, Hosts)
* As DevOps, monitor cloud resources and usage for one or more of
your cloud native apps
Requires a AWS Cloud account to set up AWS Cloud Connection. Following cloud specific data is needed to set up cloud connections:
* AWS Account ID
* AWS Access Key and AWS Secret key with API access
* Cisco Cloud Observability Platform Client ID and Secret
Requires a Azure Cloud account to set up Azure Cloud Connection. Following cloud specific data is needed to set up cloud connections:
* Azure Cloud Subscription ID
* Azure Cloud Tenant ID
* Azure Cloud Client ID and Secret
Requires Cloud Cloud Observability, ClientID and Secret. For the purposes of this exercise, this has been created manually as described in the following link:!authentication
Check out a sample python client to exercise the Cloud Connections API here:
Before running the python client, set up the following environment variables (sample values displayed):
* APPD_CLIENTID="srv_xxxxxxxxxx"
* APPD_SECRET="xxxxxxxx"
* AWS_ACC_ID="xxxxxxxxxx"
* BASE_URL="xxxxxxx", eg.""
* TEN_NAME="xxxxxx", eg.""
* AZ_CLIENT_ID="xxxxxxx"
* AZ_CLIENT_SECRET="xxxxxxxx"
* AZ_TENANT_ID="xxxxxxxxxx"
* AZ_SUBS_ID="xxxxxxxxxxx"
Try the API's referenced in the following sections.
Please refer to the following devnet resource for a complete API definition:
Some of the API's included in the sample python client are as follows and accounts for the configuration object lifecycle.
* List All Configurations
* List AWS Configurations
* Create AWS Configuration
* List Azure Configurations
* Create Azure Configuration
* Get Configuration ID by Name
* Update Configuration
* Delete Configuration
Please refer to the follwing devnet resources for a complete API definition:
Some of the API's included in the sample python client are as follows and accounts for the connection object lifecycle.
* List All Connections
* List AWS/Azure Connections
* List AWS/Azure Connections filtered by name
* Get connection by conn ID
* Create AWS/Azure Access Key Connection
* Create AWS Role Delegation
* Add AWS Conn Role
* Configure the connection
* Enable/Disable connection
* Delete Connections
Check for a successful cloud connection before you Observe in Cisco Cloud Observability Platform UI:
After a successful cloud connection with your AWS/Azure account, you can view the metrics for the services you enabled in your cloud configuration:
AppDynamicsProgramming Languages
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