Monitor public cloud assets with Cisco Cloud Observability Platform


    Use Cases
    Pre-requisites, Guidelines
    Python Cloud Connections Client
    Cloud Configuration Lifecycle
    Cloud Connections Lifecycle
    Observe public cloud assets in Cisco Cloud Observability Platform

Use Cases

    * As a Cloud Admin, automate cloud connections to AWS leveraging Cisco Cloud Observability Platform 
    Cloud Connections API to pull metrics data from AWS Services (Load 
    Balancers, Storage, Hosts, Databases)

    * As a Cloud Admin, automate cloud connections to Azure Cloud 
    leveraging Cisco Cloud Observability Platform Connections API to pull metrics data from Azure 
    Services (Load Balancers, Storage, Hosts)

    * As DevOps, monitor cloud resources and usage for one or more of 
    your cloud native apps

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Pre-requisites, Guidelines

  1. Requires a AWS Cloud account to set up AWS Cloud Connection. Following cloud specific data is needed to set up cloud connections:

     * AWS Account ID
     * AWS Access Key and AWS Secret key with API access
     * Cisco Cloud Observability Platform Client ID and Secret
  2. Requires a Azure Cloud account to set up Azure Cloud Connection. Following cloud specific data is needed to set up cloud connections:

     * Azure Cloud Subscription ID
     * Azure Cloud Tenant ID
     * Azure Cloud Client ID and Secret
  3. Requires Cloud Cloud Observability, ClientID and Secret. For the purposes of this exercise, this has been created manually as described in the following link:!authentication

Python Cloud Connections Client

Check out a sample python client to exercise the Cloud Connections API here:
Before running the python client, set up the following environment variables (sample values displayed):

    * APPD_CLIENTID="srv_xxxxxxxxxx"
    * APPD_SECRET="xxxxxxxx"
    * AWS_ACC_ID="xxxxxxxxxx"
    * BASE_URL="xxxxxxx", eg.""
    * TEN_NAME="xxxxxx", eg.""
    * AZ_CLIENT_ID="xxxxxxx"
    * AZ_CLIENT_SECRET="xxxxxxxx"
    * AZ_TENANT_ID="xxxxxxxxxx"
    * AZ_SUBS_ID="xxxxxxxxxxx"

Try the API's referenced in the following sections.

Cloud Configuration Lifecycle

Please refer to the following devnet resource for a complete API definition:

Some of the API's included in the sample python client are as follows and accounts for the configuration object lifecycle.

    * List All Configurations
    * List AWS Configurations
    * Create AWS Configuration
    * List Azure Configurations
    * Create Azure Configuration
    * Get Configuration ID by Name
    * Update Configuration
    * Delete Configuration

Cloud Connections Lifecycle

Please refer to the follwing devnet resources for a complete API definition:

Some of the API's included in the sample python client are as follows and accounts for the connection object lifecycle.

    * List All Connections
    * List AWS/Azure Connections
    * List AWS/Azure Connections filtered by name
    * Get connection by conn ID
    * Create AWS/Azure Access Key Connection
    * Create AWS Role Delegation 
    * Add AWS Conn Role
    * Configure the connection
    * Enable/Disable connection
    * Delete Connections

Observe public cloud assets in Cisco Cloud Observability Platform

Check for a successful cloud connection before you Observe in Cisco Cloud Observability Platform UI:

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After a successful cloud connection with your AWS/Azure account, you can view the metrics for the services you enabled in your cloud configuration:

  • Summary:

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  • Hosts:

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  • Load Balancers:

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  • Storage

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  • Database

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  • Use Delete HTTP requests to delete the cloud connections. This will automativally delete the corresponding configuration objects.
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