Hi, you found the original repository created when we were preparing the lauch of NSO Playground. Since this repo was created the name was changed and we added a new NSO variant.
See the repos that will be used from now on:
Explore and experiment with the world of NSO on Cisco Code Exchange, where you can dive right in and try out examples in a user-friendly browser-based integrated development environment (IDE).
But wait, there's more! You can also contribute your examples and share them with everyone. The best part is your peers can play with your examples without installing anything.
If you are new to NSO, start with NSO learning labs where you will find step by step guides prepared by Cisco.
Click here to start using Cisco Cloud IDE
Or go to Cisco Code Exchange and start the environment. Click on the Run in Cloud IDE button on the right side of the Repo title.
Once you click the Run in Cloud IDE button, you will see a VS Code instance prepared with the Git repo clone. You will find your code under the ~/src directory
Note: Click on the src directory to expand it and see the code of the repo cloned. Pay attention to the directory structure of the workspace.
Open an issue on NSO-Playground-Local-Install to ask for help, share feedback or request new features.
Try the example below to get familiar with the Cloud IDE Environment. Copy or type the commands below into the VS Code terminal.
This short example will demonstrate how to set up a simulated network of Cisco IOS routers and manage these with NSO in Code Exchange Cloud IDE. NSO will talk Cisco CLI towards the routers.
If you want to see a detailed explanation of the commands below see NSO Intro Learning Lab
Prepare NSO
source $NCS_DIR/ncsrc ncs-netsim --dir ~/example/netsim create-network cisco-ios-cli-3.8 2 ios ncs-setup --dest ~/example --netsim-dir ~/example/netsim
Start netsim
cd ~/example/ ncs-netsim start
Start NSO
Review NSO status
ncs --version
ncs --status | grep -i status
Enter NSO and learn the configuration of ios0
ncs_cli -C -u admin devices sync-from
See the configuration of ios0
and change the hostname.
show full-configuration devices device ios1 config | nomore
devices device ios0 config
ios:hostname nso.cisco.com
Finally see what NSO will send to the device and commit the changes.
top commit dry-run outformat native commit
Go to $NCS_DIR
> examples.ncs
in the VS Code workspace or use the terminal
cd $NCS_DIR/examples.ncs/ developer:examples.ncs > ll total 28 drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 267 Jun 28 11:38 . drwx------ 1 developer ncsadmin 294 Jul 18 13:33 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 developer ncsadmin 27052 Jun 28 11:38 README drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 27 Jun 28 11:05 crypto drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 36 Jun 28 11:05 datacenter drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 261 Jun 28 11:38 development-guide drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 27 Jun 28 11:05 generic-ned drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 50 Jun 28 11:05 getting-started drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 26 Jun 28 11:05 high-availability drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 69 Jun 28 11:05 misc drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 143 Jun 28 11:05 service-provider drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 19 Jun 28 11:05 snmp-ned drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 155 Jun 28 11:38 snmp-notification-receiver drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 53 Jun 28 11:05 web-server-farm drwxr-xr-x 1 developer ncsadmin 31 Jun 28 11:05 web-ui
It is recommended to avoid specifying NSO versions in the code, as the underlying NSO will be upgraded with newer releases.
As seen in the examples use environment variables when developing.
is a handy environment variable.env | grep -i ncs
to see the environment variables available by ncs
.The directory structure of the workspace matters, consider it when creating an example.
Use the preview feature (right click) in VS Code to the see the markdown files formatted.
What NSO install type is used?
What NEDs come with the container?
Example NEDs. These should be considered as examples. NEDs in the container are only used to run the simulated networks. Do not use these with real devices.
developer:~ > ls -1 $NCS_DIR/packages/neds/ a10-acos-cli-3.0 alu-sr-cli-3.4 cisco-asa-cli-6.6 cisco-ios-cli-3.0 cisco-ios-cli-3.8 cisco-iosxr-cli-3.0 cisco-iosxr-cli-3.5 cisco-nx-cli-3.0 dell-ftos-cli-3.0 juniper-junos-nc-3.0 developer:~ > ls -1 $NCS_DIR/packages/neds/ | wc -l 10 developer:~ >
My code is approved, but I don't see it?
in the workspacels -l /home/developer/src
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