

Start automating your SD-WAN configuration with Ansible. This repository contains the code for the SD-WAN DevNet Sandbox that is used as the backend for SD-WAN Learning Labs.

SD-WAN automation with Ansible

Cisco SD-WAN provides a great tool for configuration management and network monitoring: vManage. Within the SD-WAN fabric, vManage is responsible for handling the management plane, meaning that all configuration can be performed from its graphical user interface (GUI). vManage also offers a rich REST API. This enables the end user to automate specific workflows using favorite tools, such as Postman, Python, Ansible, and others.


The code here can be used with the Cisco DevNet Learning Lab Module
SD-WAN automation with Ansible, through which the user will get familiar both with the SD-WAN REST API and with Ansible.

In Lab 1 you will:

  • Learn how to log into the vManage Dashboard.
  • Create a banner Feature Template.
  • Delete a template (our example will be focused on a banner - Feature Template).
  • Modify a banner Feature Template.

In Lab 2:

  • Use a set of feature template for pre-staging
  • Create a device template
  • Attach the device template to a device
  • Wait until the task is completed on the vManage

Get the code

Clone and access it with the following commands:

git clone

Use pip to install the necessary requirements.

pip install -r requirements.txt



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