

Sample application demonstrating the use of interactive, in-place Webex messaging adaptive cards to implement an AI chess program.

chess bot



  • Node.js 12.x (LTS)

Getting started

  • Clone this repo:

    git clone https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/webex-chess-card-sample.git
  • Install dependencies:

    cd webex-chess-card-sample
    npm install
  • Rename .env.example to .env, and edit it to specify your Webex bot's access token

  • Launch:

    node index.js


  • Log output from webex-node-bot-framework can be increased via the WEBEX_LOG_LEVEL setting in .env

  • Currently edits to an adaptive card message are limited to 10. To-do: include the edit count in a hidden field and generate a new instance when the limit is reached.

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