
Tar Shooter

Tar Shooter is a Python script to help you by uncompressing ".tar.gz" files and parsing Cisco outputs inside the tar file.


Solution Components

  • Python


Clone the repo

git clone

Install required modules

pip install -r requirements.txt


The script was written with default Python modules, no extra modules are required!


  1. Locate the .gz compressed archive, to make this step easier simply put the archive in the same folder as the Python script.
  2. Run the Python script and select the option you need, 1 to uncompress and 2 to parse a Cisco tech file.

Oooooor, simply watch the gif 😃:

A sample .gz file was provided containing a simple file with three outputs, so you can test this script.

Other info:

I'm developing this project to improve my Python skills. It was my first time parsing a big file and also working with gz compressed files, I am sure this can be improved a LOT if you have Python skills, feel free to improve upon this source code.

Special thanks to Willians Crisanto @willoR2 who approached me with the need to have a script to improve his work routine.


This source code is provided under MIT License, for details see LICENSE

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