Smart gateway application for observing IoT devices & other services. IoTSGW is an edge data collector with the Web UI, where user can create, delete and observe IoT devices through different protocols.
The straight forward API, ability to run on Docker and IOx compatible devices (such as Cisco IR-809), outstanding speed as well as low memory requirements, simple UI, all these are the benefits of an IoTSGW.
To download this project, use whatever is more convenient for you, e.g. git. After download, you could deploy it and assign corresponding port.
$ git clone
$ cd iotsmartgateway
$ docker-compose run make # creates build folder and populates it
$ docker-compose run -p 80:80 emulate
So, after passing to the browser and typing "localhost" in the address bar, you will see the home page. At the same time, in the same terminal, where the docker iotsgw container had been started, you will see the CLI logs accounting that HTTP & CoAP servers are in the UP state.
For now, CLI could be used for debugging purposes albeit its only legacy purpose is an obvious "exit".
The procedure is straight forward, if you want to alter IOx any of an iotsgwapp' metadata, just open and modify the package.yaml. Note. In the IOx mode, the CLI will be not available, although Web UI will remain.
$ git clone
$ cd iotsmartgateway
$ docker-compose run make
$ docker rmi iotsgwapp # to clear the previous image (in case you have one)
$ docker build --tag iotsgwapp --output type=tar.dest=rootfs.tar .
$ ioxclient package . # download ioxclient from
$ mv package.tar iotsgwapp.tar # grab your IOx package
Is used to add new entity for observation.
Sample request body:
"device-location": ",uk&appid=439d4b804bc8187953eb36d2a8c26a02",
"param-location": "main.temp",
"device-name": "garden-detector",
"param-name": "temperature",
"interval": 5
{ "result": "success", "handle": 1037 }
Is used to update an existing observable entity.
Sample request body:
"param-location": "main.temp",
"device-name": "garden-detector",
"param-name": "temperature",
{ "result": "success" }
No request body is needed. Is used to delete an existing observable entity.
Sample response body:
{ "result": "success" }
Sample request body:
{ "device-location": ",uk&appid=439d4b804bc8187953eb36d2a8c26a02" }
Is used to check the current json response by the given url:
"main": {
"temp": 20,
"pressure": 1000,
"humidity": 80
"service": "up"
Note. if the given url is either not responding or its response is not json, the response body will be an empty json ("{}").
Is used to obtain the longevity of an application being active.
Response body:
{ "uptime": <uptime> }
Is used to obtain collected data for the specified observable by its handle.
Sample response body:
"name": "garden-detector",
"param": "humidity",
"handle": "1932",
"values": [
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:23Z",
"value": "81"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:34Z",
"value": "81"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:45Z",
"value": "81"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:55Z",
"value": "81"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:41:06Z",
"value": "81"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:41:16Z",
"value": "81"
Is used to obtain all collected data. Returns an array of observables.
Sample response body:
"observables": [
"name": "garden-detector",
"param": "humidity",
"handle": "1932",
"values": [
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:23Z",
"value": "81"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:34Z",
"value": "81"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:45Z",
"value": "81"
"name": "garden-detector",
"param": "temperature",
"handle": "1037",
"values": [
"date": "2020-11-10T06:39:33Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:39:39Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:39:44Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:39:52Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:39:57Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:02Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:07Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:13Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:18Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:23Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:29Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:34Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:39Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
"date": "2020-11-10T06:40:44Z",
"value": "280.31999999999999"
Is used to cover parsing and access failures.
The IoT Smart Gateway is open for any sort of contribution or bug reporting.
Please, contact either Valentyn Faychuk or Ihor Berezhnyi for details.
This project is maintained by Valentyn Faychuk and Ihor Berezhnyi and a set of other contributors.
Originally the application was developed to observe SoftServe internal resource but recenntly we have decided to push it to opensource.
IoTNetworkingProgramming Languages
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