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FDM Commit script

Cisco Firepower Device Manager allows the automatic download of geolocation, intrusion rule and VDB improvements, but
does not automatically deploy them. This is a script to automatically commit intrusion rule, VDB and geolocation
updates to your FDM. It checks to make certain that there are no other pending changes to the configuration. If there
are additional changes or any errors, the script sends notification with a Webex Teams message.

The script was tested with FTD 6.5 and newer, but should also work with some previous versions. If you are able to test
on previous versions, I will gladly credit you as a contributor.

I set this script to run once every 4 hours on a Raspberry Pi running Docker v19. It is still early days, so I am
working on refining error handling to account for common variations of these updates.


  • requests
  • urllib3
  • webexteamssdk

Environment Variables Required

  • USER - FDM admin username
  • PASS - FDM admin password
  • EMAIL - email address of Webex Teams user to notify with errors
  • WEBEX_TEAMS_ACCESS_TOKEN - Bearer token for Webex Teams
  • FDMADDRESS - IP address or FQDN of FDM management

Using the Script

  • Bring the repository down to your environment.
git clone
  • If using virtual environment, instantiate and activate it.
python3 -m venv venv
source bin activate
virtualenv env
  • Install requirements
pip install requirements.txt
  • Setup the pre-requisite environment variables. All five of the variable should be set in order for the script to
    work error free. The specific method to set a variable depends on you OS and use case. NOTE: For testing purposes,
    a Webex Team token can be generated from
export USER
_Windows 10_
From the desktop, type "environment variable" into the search bar usually in the lower left of the screen.
  • Run the script. The script is going to access the FDMADDRESS with the USER/PASS to establish a token. Then it will
    use that token to pull down any pending changes and evaluate them. If the changes are exclusively intrusion file, VDB
    or geolocation updates the script deploy/commits the pending changes. If there are any other pending changes (i.e.
    ACP/ACL rule updates), the script will use the WEBEX_TEAMS_ACCESS_TOKEN to send a 1-to-1 message to EMAIL informing you
    of the issues with the deployment.

DevNet Sandbox Testing

This script works with the FTD REST API sandbox available at You will need to
provision an instance of the sandbox and establish a VPN connection from your development environment with AnyConnect.
Tested in June 2020, the environment variables needed to be set to the following:

Docker Support

There are two different Dockerfiles. The Dockerfile uses the official python image while the Dockerfile.arm
uses a version suitable for a Raspberry Pi 3. I have not tested with an RPi 4. Please let me know of any other
versions this works for. Images are maintained at
To launch the container once the image is installed try:

docker run --name fdmcommit-rpi -e USER=<insert your FDM admin username> -e PASS=<insert your admin password> /
-e EMAIL=<insert the email to notify via Teams> -e WEBEX_TEAMS_ACCESS_TOKEN=<insert your token> /
-e FDMADDRESS=<insert your FDM IP> brbuxton/fdmcommit:arm32v7


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