

Terraform module for deploying Cisco ACI tenants

  ├── VRFs
  ├── Bridge domains and subnets
  ├── Application profiles
  ├── EPGs
  ├── Contracts
  ├── Filter and Filter entries
  └── Contract bindings


When executing terraform init, the module will install automatically.


Copy and paste into your Terraform configuration, insert the variables, and run terraform init:

module "tenant" {
  source  = "insobi/tenant/aci"
  # insert required variables here

Example 1

Single tenant deployment

module "aci_tenants" {
  source  = "insobi/tenant/aci"

  tenant = {
    name = "tenant3"

  vrfs = {
    TEST1-VRF = {}
    TEST2-VRF = {}

  bridge_domains = {
    TEST1-BD = { vrf = "TEST1-VRF" }
    TEST2-BD = { vrf = "TEST1-VRF" }
    TEST3-BD = { vrf = "TEST2-VRF" }
    TEST4-BD = { vrf = "TEST2-VRF" }

  subnets = {
    TEST1-SN = { bd = "TEST1-BD", ip = "", scope = ["public"] }
    TEST2-SN = { bd = "TEST2-BD", ip = "", scope = ["public"] }
    TEST3-SN = { bd = "TEST3-BD", ip = "", scope = ["public"] }
    TEST4-SN = { bd = "TEST4-BD", ip = "", scope = ["public"] }

  app_profiles = {
    ap1 = { name = "TEST-AP" }

  epgs = {
    TEST1-EPG = { bd = "TEST1-BD", ap = "TEST-AP", domain = "uni/phys-TEST" }
    TEST2-EPG = { bd = "TEST2-BD", ap = "TEST-AP", domain = "uni/phys-TEST" }
    TEST3-EPG = { bd = "TEST3-BD", ap = "TEST-AP", domain = "uni/phys-TEST" }
    TEST4-EPG = { bd = "TEST4-BD", ap = "TEST-AP", domain = "uni/phys-TEST" }
    TEST5-EPG = { bd = "TEST4-BD", ap = "TEST-AP", domain = "uni/phys-TEST" }

  filters = {
    any = {}
    ssh = {}
    web = {}

  filter_entries = {
    any  = { filter_name = "any", name = "any", dest_from_port = "unspecified", dest_to_port = "unspecified", ether_type = "unspecified", protocol = "unspecified" }, # unspecified icmp igmp tcp egp igp udp icmpv6 eigrp ospfigp pim l2tp           
    ssh  = { filter_name = "ssh", name = "ssh", dest_from_port = "22", dest_to_port = "22", ether_type = "ipv4", protocol = "tcp" },
    web1 = { filter_name = "web", name = "http", dest_from_port = "80", dest_to_port = "80", ether_type = "ipv4", protocol = "tcp" },
    web2 = { filter_name = "web", name = "https", dest_from_port = "443", dest_to_port = "443", ether_type = "ipv4", protocol = "tcp" }

  contracts = {
    any  = { filter = ["any"] }
    ssh  = { filter = ["ssh"] }
    http = { filter = ["http", "https"] }

  contract_bindings = {
    TEST1-EPG-P-1 = { epg = "TEST1-EPG", contract_type = "provider", contract = "any" },
    TEST2-EPG-P-1 = { epg = "TEST2-EPG", contract_type = "provider", contract = "ssh" },
    TEST3-EPG-P-1 = { epg = "TEST3-EPG", contract_type = "provider", contract = "ssh" },
    TEST4-EPG-P-1 = { epg = "TEST4-EPG", contract_type = "provider", contract = "ssh" },
    TEST5-EPG-P-1 = { epg = "TEST5-EPG", contract_type = "provider", contract = "ssh" },
    TEST5-EPG-P-2 = { epg = "TEST5-EPG", contract_type = "provider", contract = "ssh" },
    TEST1-EPG-C-1 = { epg = "TEST1-EPG", contract_type = "consumer", contract = "any" },
    TEST2-EPG-C-1 = { epg = "TEST2-EPG", contract_type = "consumer", contract = "any" },
    TEST3-EPG-C-1 = { epg = "TEST3-EPG", contract_type = "consumer", contract = "any" },
    TEST4-EPG-C-1 = { epg = "TEST4-EPG", contract_type = "consumer", contract = "any" },
    TEST5-EPG-C-1 = { epg = "TEST5-EPG", contract_type = "consumer", contract = "any" }

Example 2

Multiple tenants deployment

module "aci_tenants" {
  source            = "insobi/tenant/aci"
  for_each          = var.tenants
  tenant            = each.value.tenant
  vrfs              = contains(keys(each.value), "vrfs") ? each.value.vrfs : {}
  bridge_domains    = contains(keys(each.value), "bridge_domains") ? each.value.bridge_domains : {}
  subnets           = contains(keys(each.value), "subnets") ? each.value.subnets : {}
  app_profiles      = contains(keys(each.value), "app_profiles") ? each.value.app_profiles : {}
  epgs              = contains(keys(each.value), "epgs") ? each.value.epgs : {}
  aci_domain        = contains(keys(each.value), "aci_domain") ? each.value.aci_domain : null
  filters           = contains(keys(each.value), "filters") ? each.value.filters : {}
  filter_entries    = contains(keys(each.value), "filter_entries") ? each.value.filter_entries : {}
  contracts         = contains(keys(each.value), "contracts") ? each.value.contracts : {}
  contract_bindings = contains(keys(each.value), "contract_bindings") ? each.value.contract_bindings : {}

Example of variable

tenants = {

  tn1 = {
    tenant = { name = "Tenant1" }
    vrfs = { ... }

  tn2 = {
    tenant = { name : "Tenant2" }
    vrfs = { ... }



Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.4
aci >= 4.1


Name Version
aci >= 2.1.0


Name Description Type Default Required
tenant ACI Tenant
name = string,
description = optional(string)
n/a yes
vrfs VRFs
name = string
{} no
bridge_domains Bridge domains
name = string,
vrf = string
{} no
subnets Subnets
bd = string,
ip = string,
scope = list(string)
{} no
app_profile Application profiles
name = string
{} no
epgs EPGs
name = string,
bdName = string,
apName = string,
aciDomain = string
{} no
filters Filters
name = string
{} no
filter_entries Filter entries
name = string,
filter_name = string,
dest_from_port = string,
dest_to_port = string,
ether_type = string,
protocol = string
{} no
contracts Contracts
name = string,
filter = list(string)
{} no
contract_bindings Contract bindings
epg = string,
contract_type = string,
contract = string
{} no


Name Description
tenant ID of Tenant
vrf IDs of VRF
bd IDs of Bridge domain
subnet IDs of Subnet
ap IDs of Application profiles
epg IDs of EPG
filter IDs of Filter
entry IDs of Filter entry
contract IDs of Contract
epg_contract IDs of Contract binding
domain IDs of ACI Domain


Name Type
aci_tenant resource
aci_vrf resource
aci_bridge_domain resource
aci_subnet resource
aci_application_profile resource
aci_application_epg resource
aci_filter resource
aci_filter_entry resource
aci_contract resource
aci_epg_to_contract resource
aci_epg_to_domain resource
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