
ACICI: Automate ACI configuration of Legacy Logical Network

Imports L2 constructs (VLANs, SVIs and associated VRF) from Legacy NXOS configuration, into ACI in a network centric approach (legacy vlan = ACI BD/EPG).

Script is VRF aware, EPGS/BDs will be grouped under Application Endpoint Groups, split by VRF. If there are no VRFs in legacy, all EPGs/BDS will be assigned the "DEFAULT" vrf. It's up to you to create the fabric access policies.

EPGS are created with a static path binding to the legacy switch - the hostname from configuration file is used for this. Legacy items are imported into Django models DB
Bulk clean/naming of data (e.g EPG/BD/VRFs naming convention)

Optional editing and review of imported data through Django admin front end (i.e. http

Post imported objects to APIC (EPGS are be default included in a preferred group)
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$ python3 -m venv venv

$ source venv/bin/activate

$ git init

$ git pull

Install the required dependencies:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Start Django Server

$ python3 runserver 0:8080

Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...

System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
July 18, 2019 - 13:17:42
Django version 2.2.2, using settings 'nxos_aci.settings'
Starting development server at http://0:8080/
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

Logon and Import NXOS file

Login as admin/C1sc0123

Menu --> Upload Config File
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Provide the defaults for configuration naming convention and BD construct. BD mode in most cases should be l2 which will enable ARP and BUM flooding. L3 mode will enable unicast routing and configure the SVI address as a BD Subnet. EPGs will be created as "Preferred group - Include" members.
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View and Edit the Imported configuration
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Enter the APIC connection info and submit
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View the resulting JSON and HTTP Post status code
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  • Object configuration and DN/URL can be used with other REST API clients - i.e. postman, curl, or paste directly into APIC

Check the APIC
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Create associated fabric access policies and L3Os manually

Rationale - items like Physical domain, vlan pools to legacy network will likely only be configured once.
Fabric access policies therefore less far less time consuming than tenant policy.

L3O configuration is environment dependant.


Tested against NXOS 7.X configuration files, may work with IOS but needs testing.
Use at your own risk - recommend dry-run against a simulator or non-prod APIC

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