AppDynamics ETL Export Tool


The purpose of this utility is to run an export of AppDynamics Metrics, Events, and Analytics Searches and insert that data into either a database or Comma Separated Value file.
One of the benefits of this utility is that it doesn't require any database schema creation, and will automatically create tables and columns as needed, dynamically during execution.

Supported Databases:

  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MS SQL
  • CSV Files

The execution of this utility requires a Java VM v1.11 or greater

Executing the utility:

The command line to execute is:

java -jar ETLExportTool-<version>.jar -c <configfile.xml>

It is assumed the XML config file is given with the -c argument. Also expected that a log4j2.xml is in the current working directory. some new commands have been added to the utlity to assist in analyzing the database and managing the exported data, as well as the control table:

    usage: ETLControl [-h] [-v] [-c ./config-file.xml] [--controller Controller] [--application Application] [--type Type] [command [command ...]]

    Manage ETL Export by Manipulating the Database Control Table and Data Tables.

    positional arguments:
      command                Commands are probably too flexible, some examples  include:  
        {"show  [status|tables]",  
        "[select|drop|delete|update]  <rest  of  sql statement with \* escaped>", 
        "purge [tableName] [newer|older] than [yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss_z]", 
        "set last run [yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss_z]", 
        "executeScheduler" } (default: executeScheduler)

    named arguments:
      -h, --help                        show this help message and exit
      -v, --version
      -c, --config ./config-file.xml    Use this specific XML config file. (default: default-config.xml)
      --controller Controller           Only manage a specific controller
      --application Application         Only manage a specific application
      --type Type                       Only manage a specific data type: {"MetricData", "EventData", "AnalyticsData"}

Command line options for extended debug

In order to print the response data from the controller or analytics to the log file, you must include a command line argument with a string value that is a comma separated list of channels to debug HTTP response data. for example:

  • Controller Data: -DwireTrace=controller
  • Analytics Data: -DwireTrace=analytics
  • Both: -DwireTrace=controller,analytics

Running in Kubernetes

This utility can be run as a kubernetes pod by either using the public image "johnsoutherland/appdynamics-etl-tool:LATEST", or creating a custom image in your own hosting environment. Check the examples in the ./container directory, or use this information.

Create local Docker image, Optional


FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:latest
#version and build date for the deployment file, which should be copied to this directory for building
ENV VERSION <version number>
ENV BUILD_DATE <build date>
ENV CONFIG_FILE /config/etl-tool-config.xml
COPY appdynamics-ETL-Tool-${VERSION}-${BUILD_DATE}-deployment.tar.gz /tmp
RUN tar xzvf /tmp/appdynamics-ETL-Tool-${VERSION}-${BUILD_DATE}-deployment.tar.gz
WORKDIR /appdynamics-ETL-Tool-${VERSION}-${BUILD_DATE}/ETL-Tool
ENTRYPOINT java ${JAVA_OPT} -jar ETLExportTool.jar -c ${CONFIG_FILE}

Create the image, and publish it to your repo. Of course the ./target/appdynamics-ETL-Tool-${VERSION}-${BUILD_DATE}-deployment.tar.gz file must be copied to your docker build dir, the release tar.gz is the image we are talking about in this section.

ConfigMap of XML Config File

Prepare a ConfigMap of the XML configuration file by creating a configuration and then naming it, for example, "etl-tool-config.xml" and create a configmap from file named for your configuration

kubectl create configmap csv-etl-config --from-file=etl-tool-config.xml

Deployment Descriptor, with public image

now make a deployment for this, using this example and modifying it to your liking:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: appd-etl-tool
    - name: appd-etl-tool
      image: johnsoutherland/appdynamics-etl-tool:LATEST
    - name: CONFIG_FILE 
      value: "/config/etl-tool-config.xml"
    - name: JAVA_OPT
      value: "-XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=10 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=1000 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75 "
      imagePullPolicy: Always
            memory: "1536Mi"
            cpu: "2"
    - name: my-config
      mountPath: /config
    - name: my-config
      name: csv-etl-config

Make sure the config file name is correct to your ConfigMap.
If JAVA_OPTS are needed for something like Proxy Configuration, as below.
The settings for resources and JVM arguments are what I was able to find worked best, YMMV. The nice thing about these settings, is if you or someone else changes the resources available, we can still run pretty good.

Proxy Configuration

If proxy support is required, set the following arguments before the -jar arguement:

or, to manually specify the host and port:


or, to manually specify the host, port, and basic user and password:


or, to manually specify the host, port, and NTLM authentication:


Allow Self Signed SSL Certificates

It's probably bad form to allow this via a java property, but this may greatly simplify execution for some people


Configure the Extraction Tool

For this utility to run, a configuration must be in place that is minimally viable, and if it is not, then we will exit with helpful messages.
This file is XML format with specific sections and options that those sections can use to override defaults and apply to other sections in heiarchy.

The sections are assumed to be in this order:

    <Controller></Controller> <!-- can be repeated -->
    <Analytics></Analytics> <!-- can be repeated -->

Logging Section

Here is an example, simple log4j2.xml file as a starting point:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN">
    <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
      <PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"/>
    <Logger name="" level="trace" additivity="false">
      <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>
    <Root level="info">
      <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>

As of version 1.13, you can also create an optional XML Section for logging override settings, this basic log4j config will still apply for legacy and simplicity sake.

The optional settings are, anything missing will default to the shown text here:

    <Level>INFO</Level> <!-- TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR -->
    <!-- pick one, or both
    <FileCronPolicy>0 0 0 * * ?</FileCronPolicy>
    <Pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</Pattern>
    <Logger> <!-- this section is optional and can repeat -->
        <Name></Name> <!-- class or package -->
        <Level>TRACE</Level> <!-- TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR -->

Scheduler Section

This section configures whether the utility runs only one iteration and exits, or sleeps and runs again repeatedly.
Also, we can specify how much historical data to load if no previous run has been detected, otherwise we only load data since that last run.

The default settings are shown:

<Scheduler enabled="false">
  • enabled=false causes the Scheduler to exit after one run, true is the default, when this option is missing.
  • PollIntervalMinutes 60, if enabled, causes the Scheduler to sleep for 60 minutes and run again, continuously
  • FirstRunHistoricNumberOfDays 2, causes the extract to default in pulling the last 48 hours of data for a given query, if no previous run is detected in the control table, specified in the database section later
  • MaxNumberOfDaysToQueryAtATime 14, forces the run to only pull a maximum of 14 days of data at a time, this means it will always have work to do grabbing 14 days of data each scheduled interval until caught up.
  • ControllerThreads 50, the number of threads to run pulling data from the controllers concurrently
  • DatabaseThreads 50, the number of worker threads watching the data queue to insert into the database
  • ConfigurationRefreshEveryHours 12, after this many hours, all the applications with the configuration setting to pull all metrics, will refresh the metrics in case new ones are registered since start.

TargetDB Section

This section configures the destination for the extracted data.
Only one target database is allowed, and it is required for execution.
If not available for testing please configure a CSV output directory as per the notes below.

An example config is shown with some default options specified:

  • ConnectionString is the JDBC connection string, or a string like the following for CSV file creation: "csv:none:<data directory to create files in>"
  • User and Password are needed for the database connection, this is ignored for CSV file creation
  • ControlTable is the table name to use for tracking last run timestamp for the different data being extracted
  • DefaultMetricTable is used when the Metric section below doesn't specify another more specific table for that data or application
  • DefaultEventTable is used for events when no other table is specified, similar to the DefaultMetricTable above
  • DefaultBaselineTable is used when the Application has not specified a table for baseline data

Controller Section

Multiple Controller Sections can be defined, but the url must be unique.

<Controller getAllAnalyticsSearches="false">
    <ClientSecret>the generated client secret</ClientSecret>
    <Application getAllAvailableMetrics="true" getAllEvents="false"> <!-- these are the default options in default values -->
        <Name regex="false">Agent Proxy</Name>
             <!-- if regex="true" then the application name will instead function as a regex match pattern,
             in which case the configuration details will be applied to all applications matching this 
             pattern. In situations where a pattern matches an existing application name defined elsewhere
             the specific name takes precidence, so the first match is what is resolved, with regex patterns 
             being resolved AFTER the application names where regex="false" -->
            <GranularityMinutes>60</GranularityMinutes> <!-- default is 60 minutes, but can be set to 1 minute and if the data hasn't rolled up, you will get it in 1 minute increments -->
            <OnlyGetDefaultBaseline>true</OnlyGetDefaultBaseline> <!-- default is true, which only gets the default baseline, but setting to false enables fetching every baseline value -->
        <!-- if so desired, the events can be filtered by including or excluding events from the internal event list,
        and by limitting the severity. The default is shown here, to just get all event types and severities, leave these blank or missing
       <!-- Metrics can be included manually, and wildcards are supported, the getAllAvailable metrics flag for the application must be false to specify individual metrics: 
        <Metric>Business Transaction Performance|Business Transactions|ProxyTier|*|Average Response Time (ms)</Metric>

Analytics Section

Multiple Analytics Sections can be defined, but the Global Account Name must be unique for each.

    <URL></URL> <!-- north america Saas -->
    <APIKey>generate your own key</APIKey> <!-- API Key is created in analytics configuration settings -->
    <TableNamePrefix>AppDynamics_Analytics_</TableNamePrefix> <!-- this is the prefix table name for data extracted, final table is <PrefixTableName><Search name> -->
    <AdjustEndTimeMinutes>5</AdjustEndTimeMinutes> <!-- this is the default if missing, 5 minutes will hopefully ensure that agents have had plenty of time to send this data to analytics, in some situations this may need to be increased -->
    <Search name="UniqueTransactionCount" limit="10000">SELECT transactionName, count(*) FROM transactions</Search> <!--limit is optional and defaults to 20000, name must be unique for this section -->
  • URL is the event services url, for saas this is pretty easy, but on premise deployments will require the local url
  • GlobalAccountName can be taken from the controller license panel
  • APIKey needs to be generated on the analytics settings panels
  • TableNamePrefix will be used on the target database/csv for naming, the Search name will be appended to this
  • LinkToControllerHostname, we want to link the controller section above to the analytics for that controller in case you want to load all saved searches, and not define them manually in this section
  • AdjustEndTimeMinutes this is the amount of time to skew the end time of the query to analytics, setting this to 5 minutes ensures all data that will be written from agents makes it in. Under some crazy conditions this delay may need to be extended, if your local event service cluster is super slow or a huge latency is seen on agents sending data. Let me know if this becomes a bigger problem.
  • Search, search sections can be added for each query to execute, limit can be excluded, if more than 10k records are available we will switch to a paged query mode and pull everything back with multiple requests.
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