

This script leverages Netmiko's features to securely copy (SCP) a single file to a remote network device. It also checks if the file exists already on the remote device and compares the checksums: if the files are identical, it does not upload it.
To this, I added parallelism: to make copies in parallel towards several remote devices. And also to have the remote hosts and OS defined in a CSV file, to avoid having to edit the Python script itself. I also added a check if the file to copy is present locally.

Use Case Description

If you have a large number of network devices to which you need to send a file, such as a new operating system or similar, doing it manually can be very time consuming. This script takes care of everything and does the upload in parallel to save time.

Supported devices are: Cisco IOS*/IOS-XE/IOS-XR/NX-OS, Arista EOS, and Juniper JunOS.

Remark: on Cisco IOS, only ascii files are supported. Modern Cisco OS (XE, XR, NXOS) are not affected.


Requirements: All you need is Python and pip.
Then, with pip we will install Netmiko and dependencies.


$ git clone
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


Update the hosts.csv file with the list of your network hosts and vendor type.

Vendor types are: cisco_ios (valid for IOS/IOS-XE/IOS-XR), cisco_nxos, arista_eos, juniper_junos

Example of hosts.csv:,cisco_ios,cisco_nxos,arista_eos,juniper_junos

The file system used for each device type is the one defined by default in Netmiko:

Cisco IOS/IOS-XE/IOS-XR        Auto detects the file-system
Cisco NX-OS                    bootflash:
Arista EOS                     /mnt/flash
Juniper Junos                  /var/tmp

Please refer to the Netmiko documentation here for more information:


Add the filename as an argument to the script.

The script will also check if the file exists, then read the list of hosts, vendor type and ask you for your credentials.

It will ask you for a confirmation before starting the upload.

To save time and bandwidth, if the file already exists it will be not overwritten.

Usage: filename

positional arguments:
filename The file to upload

Example where the file does not exists on the first host, but exists on the second:

$ ./ testfile.txt
Please, confirm the upload of testfile.txt on:
Proceed? [n]|y: y
Please insert your username: admin
And your password
Upload on:
Upload on:
Upload on:
Upload on:
Results for
File exists already:  True
File transferred:  True
MD5 verified : True
Results for
File exists already:  True
File transferred:  True
MD5 verified : True
Results for
File exists already:  True
File transferred:  True
MD5 verified : True
Results for
File exists already:  True
File transferred:  True
MD5 verified : True
Uploads completed in 3.351285219192505 seconds.

How to test the software & DevNet Sandbox

You can test to transfer a file to a DevNet Sandbox
For example, you can change the file hosts.csv like below, to test with the CRS1000v (IOX-XE) always on sandbox:,cisco_ios

For the credentials, please check the Cisco DevNet Sandbox and search for Always On Sandbox in the Sandbox catalog.

Known issues

The 'file exists already' return value is always True, even if the file does not exists on the remote device. The upload is done anyway, this is only an output error, but the script is working at 100%

This script uses multi-threads, it may be improved by using multi-processing.
The max. threads are 8 for now, I have to test what is the optimal number of threads depending on the devices, computer, network bandwidth and latency, etc.

Getting help and Getting involved

Please contact me on Twitter or open an Issue/P.R.


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