Monitor an ACI Fabric from your favorite Webex Room - ChatOps

Tests published

A lightweight bot application to interact with the APIC from a Webex chat room

Use Case description

Monitor your Data Center with an user-friendly bot. This repository contains a Go-based web server, which listens to Webex webhooks notifications and interacts with the APIC REST API to retrieve information about the operational status of your ACI Fabric.


This application allows you to retrieve operational, topology, event/fault and endpoint information from the ACI Fabric by simply typing short and human-readable commands in a Webex room. These is the list of the currently supported commands by the aci-chatbot:

•	/cpu	->	Get APIC CPU Information 💾
•	/ep	->	Get APIC Endpoint Information 💻. Usage /ep [ep_mac] 
•	/events	->	Get Fabric latest events ❎.   Usage /events [user:opt] [count(1-10):opt] 
•	/faults	->	Get Fabric latest faults ⚠️. Usage /faults [count(1-10):opt] 
•	/help	->	Chatbot Help ❔
•	/info	->	Get Fabric Information ℹ️
•	/neigh	->	Get Fabric Topology Information 🔢. Usage /neigh [node_id] 
•	/websocket	->	Subscribe to Fabric events 📩

The bot takes advantage of the APIC REST API to query and filter information from the APIC Management Information Tree (MIT). Additionally, the /websocket command leverages the APIC WebSocket functionality, to get instant notifications once any instance of a defined MO/Class is created, modified or deleted.


  • Make sure to have Go 1.15+ or Docker installed on your computer/server

  • Login to your Webex account and create your own bot. Create Bot

    1. Give your bot details


    2. The generated token is your WEBEX_TOKEN



Execute ngrok (Optional)

The bot application must be hosted in a server reachable via the public internet because the webhooks are delivered from . For development and testing pursposes you could use ngrok to expose your server to the public internet. Ngrok will expose your application (Server IP & Port) over a secure tunnel.


Follow these instructions after installing ngrok:

  • Start the ngrok service stating the port the bot server listens to. By default the application listens to the port 7001, however if you are using the docker container you must state here Docker host port.

      ./ngrok http <bot_port> --region=eu
ngrok by @inconshreveable    

Session Status online Session Expires 1 hour, 59 minutes Version 2.3.40 Region Europe (eu) Web Interface Forwarding -> http://localhost:7001 Forwarding -> http://localhost:7001

Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

  • The generated HTTP url is your BOT_URL

NOTE:: The trial version of ngrok creates the secure tunnel only for 2 hours

Option 1: Build the code from source

  • Set and source the environmental variables in
export BOT_URL=
export APIC_URL=
export APIC_USERNAME=admin
export APIC_PASSWORD=admin
  • Execute the application

      go run main.go

NOTE:: The Go application listens to port 7001

Option 2: Execute the service as a Container

  • Set the environmental variables in .env:
  • Run the application in a Docker container

         docker run --env-file .env -it -p <bot_port>:7001 jgomezve/aci-chatbot:latest

NOTE: In case you are using ngrok, <bot_port> is the same port used to start ngrok.


Either send a message directly to your bot or add it to a Webex Group


NOTE: Some commands do not work if the target APIC is a simulator

Use Case

Monitor an ACI Fabric from your favorite Webex Room - ChatOps

Monitor your Data Center with an user-friendly bot. This repository contains a Go-based web server, which listens to Webex webhooks notifications and interacts with the APIC REST API to retrieve information about the operational status of your ACI Fabric.


This application allows you to retrieve operational, topology, event/fault and endpoint information from the ACI Fabric by simply typing short and human-readable commands in a Webex room. These is the list of the currently supported commands by the aci-chatbot:

•	/cpu	->	Get APIC CPU Information 💾
•	/ep	->	Get APIC Endpoint Information 💻. Usage /ep [ep_mac] 
•	/events	->	Get Fabric latest events ❎.   Usage /events [user:opt] [count(1-10):opt] 
•	/faults	->	Get Fabric latest faults ⚠️. Usage /faults [count(1-10):opt] 
•	/help	->	Chatbot Help ❔
•	/info	->	Get Fabric Information ℹ️
•	/neigh	->	Get Fabric Topology Information 🔢. Usage /neigh [node_id] 
•	/websocket	->	Subscribe to Fabric events 📩

The bot takes advantage of the APIC REST API to query and filter information from the APIC Management Information Tree (MIT). Additionally, the /websocket command leverages the APIC WebSocket functionality, to get instant notifications once any instance of a defined MO/Class is created, modified or deleted.

Related Sandbox

Links to DevNet Learning Labs

Monitor an ACI Fabric from your favorite Webex Room - ChatOps

Monitor your Data Center with an user-friendly bot. This repository contains a Go-based web server, which listens to Webex webhooks notifications and interacts with the APIC REST API to retrieve information about the operational status of your ACI Fabric.


This application allows you to retrieve operational, topology, event/fault and endpoint information from the ACI Fabric by simply typing short and human-readable commands in a Webex room. These is the list of the currently supported commands by the aci-chatbot:

•	/cpu	->	Get APIC CPU Information 💾
•	/ep	->	Get APIC Endpoint Information 💻. Usage /ep [ep_mac] 
•	/events	->	Get Fabric latest events ❎.   Usage /events [user:opt] [count(1-10):opt] 
•	/faults	->	Get Fabric latest faults ⚠️. Usage /faults [count(1-10):opt] 
•	/help	->	Chatbot Help ❔
•	/info	->	Get Fabric Information ℹ️
•	/neigh	->	Get Fabric Topology Information 🔢. Usage /neigh [node_id] 
•	/websocket	->	Subscribe to Fabric events 📩

The bot takes advantage of the APIC REST API to query and filter information from the APIC Management Information Tree (MIT). Additionally, the /websocket command leverages the APIC WebSocket functionality, to get instant notifications once any instance of a defined MO/Class is created, modified or deleted.

Related Sandbox

Links to DevNet Learning Labs

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