
Cisco informational playbooks


This repository contains various ansible playbooks that could be used to gather information from Cisco IOS & NXOS devices.

High level steps

  1. Clone code from Gitlab
  2. Add admin credentials in group variable file
  3. Secure admin credentials using ansible vault
  4. Running ansible playbook


Ansible version <2.9.10

1. Repository clone instructions

Clone with SSH

git clone

Clone with HTTPS

git clone

2. Add credentials in group variable file

Cisco device group variables are stored in "group_vars" folder as "cisco_ios.yml" & "nxos.yml".

File Description
cisco_ios.yml Stores credentials & other variables for Cisco IOS devices
nxos.yml Stores credentials & other variables for Cisco NXOS devices

2.1 Navigate to repository clone folder:

cd cisco_info

2.2 Add your admin credentials into "cisco_ios" group variable file:

nano group_vars/cisco_ios.yml

ansible_ssh_user: (user.admin)

ansible_ssh_pass: (admin password)

auth_pass: (admin password)

2.3 Add your admin credentials into "nxos" group variable file:

nano group_vars/nxos.yml

ansible_ssh_user: (user.admin)

ansible_ssh_pass: (admin password)

auth_pass: (admin password)

3. Secure admin credentials using ansible vault

You must use the ansible-vault encryption to secure your admin credentials. Enter command mentioned below & provide a password to secure ansible vault. You will be required to enter this vault password while running a playbook.

ansible-vault encrypt cisco_ios.yml nxos.yml

4. Running ansible playbook

Use ansible-playbook command to run a playbook. You must add "--ask-vault-pass" keyword so that you are prompted to enter ansible-vault credentials.

ansible-playbook -i PLAYBOOK_NAME.yml --ask-vault-pass

5. Targeting specific hosts and groups while running a playbook

When you execute Ansible by running a playbook, you must choose which managed nodes or groups you want to execute against. Patterns let you run commands and playbooks against specific hosts and/or groups in your inventory. An Ansible pattern can refer to a single host, an IP address, an inventory group, a set of groups, or all hosts in your inventory.

5.1 Limit to one host

ansible-playbook -i PLAYBOOK_NAME.yml --ask-vault-pass--limit "host1"

5.2 Limit to multiple hosts

ansible-playbook -i PLAYBOOK_NAME.yml --limit "host1,host2"

5.3 Exclude host/group (Negated limit) from playbook execution

NOTE: Single quotes MUST be used to prevent bash interpolation.

ansible-playbook -i PLAYBOOK_NAME.yml --limit 'all:!host1'

5.4 Limit to host group

ansible-playbook -i PLAYBOOK_NAME.yml --limit 'group1'

6. Inventory file

Inventory is stored in "hosts" file. Please modify hostname & IP addresses according to your lab.

7. Playbook description

Playbook file Description
cisco_show_ver_ios.yml Runs "show version" command on IOS device
cisco_show_ver_nxos.yml Runs "show version" command on NXOS device
cisco_show_acl_ios.yml Shows a list of Access-lists (ACL) configured on Cisco IOS device
cisco_show_acl_nxos.yml Shows a list of Access-lists (ACL) configured on Cisco NXOS device
cisco_show_cpu_ios.yml Shows CPU usage on Cisco IOS device
cisco_show_cpu_nxos.yml Shows CPU usage on Cisco NXOS device
cisco_show_inv_ios.yml Runs "show inventory" command on IOS device
cisco_show_inv_nxos.yml Runs "show inventory" command on NXOS device
cisco_show_ntp_status_ios.yml Shows NTP sync status on IOS device
cisco_show_ntp_status_nxos.yml Shows NTP sync status on NXOS device
cisco_backup_config_ios.yml Saves running configuration to playbook directory for IOS device
cisco_backup_config_nxos.yml Saves running configuration to playbook directory for NXOS device
cisco_facts_ios_brief.yml Shows basic info like Serial number,Model,OS version for IOS device
cisco_facts_nxos_brief.yml Shows basic info like Serial number,Model,OS version for NXOS device
cisco_os_update_verification_ios.yml Useful in IOS upgrade task. Playbook runs ping test to defined IP`s, takes backup of running config & Checks CPU, Memory & disk space usage
cisco_ansible_inv_vs_hostname_ios.yml Compares IOS device hostname with ansible inventory host_alias
cisco_ansible_inv_vs_hostname_nxos.yml Compares NXOS device hostname with ansible inventory host_alias

8. Additional information about Ansible vault

8.1 Edit ansible vault file

ansible-vault edit "filename"

8.2 Viewing encrypted vault file

ansible-vault view "filename"

9. Updating a local repository with latest changes from a Git repository

git pull is a Git command used to update the local version of a repository from a remote (Gitlab). For example, if the branch you have checked out tracks origin/master, git pull is equivalent to git pull origin master.

Run this command to download latest version of repository on your local machine:

git pull

10. Reference

Here is the list of Ansible modules used in this repository:

ios_ping – Tests reachability using ping from Cisco IOS network devices

ios_facts – Collect facts from remote devices running Cisco IOS

ios_command – Run commands on remote devices running Cisco IOS

nxos_ping – Tests reachability using ping from Nexus switch

nxos_facts – Gets facts about NX-OS switches

nxos_command – Run arbitrary command on Cisco NXOS devices

11. Roadmap

More useful informational playbooks will be added into this repository

12. Known issues


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