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Lightweight DISA STIG Scanner

A simple and fast Python script to scan configurations for US Government
Security Technical Implementation Guidance (STIG) compliance. The
tool works in an offline mode using an extensible framework of YAML
rulesets for each vulnerability of interest.

Contact information:
Twitter: @nickrusso42518

Supported platforms

Any platform that has a text-based configuration suited for matching
by regex can be used. The examples in this repository are all based on
Cisco network devices. The support structures are in place
for other operating systems as well.

At the time of this writing, Cisco IOS and NXOS configurations are
supported. Cisco IOS-XR and ASA will be supported in the near future.


usage: [-h] [-v {0,1,2}] [-f] config_file

A config_file is a relative path to the configuration file to scan,
for example configs/l3pr.cfg. These files do not have to be in git
but could be if they are being used as golden templates. This argument
is required.

The -v or --verbosity argument determines the output style:

  • 0: One line per rule showing the vuln ID, description, and result
  • 1: Verbose output showing all rule info, including pass/fail objects
  • 2: CSV format, one rule per line, including pass/fail objects

This argument is optional and when unspecified, 0 is assumed. See the
samples/ folder for example outputs of each style.

The -f or --failonly argument enables the user to only print failed
(out of compliance) rules. This reduces output and is good for on-demand
testing or automated testing where the pass/NA results are not important.
This a boolean option and does not take additional parameters. This
argument is optional and when unspecified, false is assumed. All
test results are printed by default (pass, fail, and NA).


Each individual rule or sub-rule goes in its own YAML file. Having many
small files enables simpler searching, editing, adding, and deleting for
the management of the rule set. Note that some rules as written in the STIG
specifications may check multiple things. For example V18633 lists many
banned tunneling protocols, but it is simpler to break these into separate
sub-rule files as shown below. This way, if there are only a few missing
protocols, the entire rule does not fail, and provides a more targeted
notification for remediation.

# V18633a.yml
severity: 2
desc: Deny outdated tunneling protocol IPP 42
  text: deny\s+42\s+any\s+any\s+log
  text_cnt: 1
  parent: ^ip\s+access-list\s+extended\s+ACL_EXTERNAL
  when: true
  - l3ps
  - l3pr

# V18633b.yml
severity: 2
desc: Deny outdated tunneling protocol IPP 93
  text: deny\s+93\s+any\s+any\s+log
  text_cnt: 1
  parent: ^ip\s+access-list\s+extended\s+ACL_EXTERNAL
  when: true
  - l3ps
  - l3pr

Different operating systems will have different CLI syntax for the same
features, so separate rulesets are needed per OS. In the rules/ directory,
there is a subdirectory for each OS, such as ios, xr, asa, and nxos.
Each configuration file must contain a !@#type:type_name directive at
the top of the file to indicate what the OS is.

The components of a rule file are described below:

  • severity: The category number of 1, 2, or 3. Documentation only.
  • desc: Summarized explanation of the rule; be succinct.
  • check: Nested dictionary containing the critical parts of the rule
    • text: The regex to search for. Do not quote the string.
    • text_cnt: The number of times to search for text. Often times this
      is set to 1, but could be greater if the regex is generic and looking
      for many things (e.g. multiple NTP or AAA servers). To test for a
      configuration item being totally absent, use 0 (e.g. ensure that
      ip directed-broadcast appears zero times under each interface).
    • parent: The regex of the parent under which the text regex should
      be searched. For example, searching for ACL entries under an ACL.
      Do not quote the string.
    • when: The sibling to text that tests for a regex to be present
      before looking for text. For example, only check for no ip proxy-arp
      under an interface if it has an IP address. Set this to true to
      always look for text. If when is false or the regex fails to
      match, the item is marked "N/A" versus "PASS" or "FAIL".
      Do not quote the string.
    • part_of_stig: List of strings that indicate when this rule should be
      evaluated. This string must match the directive at the top of each
      configuration file to be included. For example, if a rule is part of
      l3ps and l3pr, a configuration with either one of these
      directives will include this rule. The directive string
      is !@#stig:stig_name. See configs/ for examples.


A GNU Makefile is used for testing this codebase. There are currently
two steps:

  • lint: Runs YAML and Python linters, as well as a Python static
    code analyzer to check fo security flaws.
  • run: Runs the STIG tool itself with a variety of input files at
    all available verbosities to test proper operation. The default input
    files should have no failures. If any failures do exist, this step fails.
    Failures can be STIG rule failures or catastrophic unhandled exceptions.


Q: Does this tool have the logic to traverse complex dependencies?
A: No. It applies the text regex for each rule based on its position
in the configuration, either globally or under a parent regex. For example,
embedding blacklist items in an object-group and calling the object-group
from an access-list will be counted by this tool unless the user defines
the rules appropriately.

Q: Can I add my own rules or change the existing rules?
A: Yes. There is nothing specific about DISA STIGs for this tool, other
than some naming conventions (e.g., vuln ID) and design intent. I have
included several extra rules in the rules/ directory to illustrate
this point. Users are encouraged to update the rules to fit their
specific environment; this is not a static, click-button dogmatic tool.

Q: Can configurations be part of more than one STIG?
A: Yes. Use the !@#stig:stig_name directive at the top of the file
as many times as necessary. Ensure the corresponding rules have this
string in their part_of_stig YAML list.

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    +1Github contributor
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  • License

    BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

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