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Applying user Zero Trust policies to Umbrella top blocked identity


This workflow searches and returns the top 10 identities in Cisco Umbrella with DNS activity blocks for the last 7 days. The data is then parsed and posted in a ServiceNow incident.

Note: This workflow is base on the workflow #0041 with added response actions:


  • Get a token for the Umbrella API
  • Fetch a list of identities with blocked DNS activity
  • Check if the request was successful (if not, end the workflow)
  • Extract the result count and check if there were any results (if not, end the workflow)
  • Convert the top blocked identities to a table
  • For each identity:
    • Fetch blocked domains for the identity provided
    • Format the results for ServiceNow
  • Create approval request to block the user
  • Create a Webex Message with the list to approve the action
    • If action approved, block the user in Duo
  • Create a ServiceNow incident ticket
  • Post message to Webex


Required Targets and Target Groups

Targets: ServiceNow, Umbrella API v2 OAuth2, Umbrella API v2, DUO Security

Required Account Keys

Accounte Keys: Umbrella v2

Required Local Variables

  • Update the following local varilables in order to properly authenticate to respective tools.
Variable Name Value
Duo Hostname
Duo Integration Key XXXX
Duo Secret Key ******
ServiceNow Instance URL
ServiceNow User ID provide user id here
Webex Teams Room ID XXXXXX

Import the workflow

  1. In the left pane menu, select Workflows. Click on IMPORT to import the workflow.

  2. Click on Browse and copy paste the content of the Applying user ZT policies to Umbrella top blocked identity file inside of the text window. Select IMPORT AS A NEW WORKFLOW (CLONE) and click on IMPORT.

  3. Go to My Workflows and open the workflow Applying user ZT policies to Umbrella top blocked identity and validate it. In the properties on the right hand-side, find section Triggers. You will see that the status is Disabled. Click on the name of the Trigger and change the status to Enabled.

Credits and references

This workflow is base on the workflow #0041 with added response actions:


Please test this properly before implementing in a production environment. This is a sample workflow!

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