Terraform Cloud ACI Tenant Module


Create and ACI Tenant for Cloud APIC in AWS User Account. When creating a new Tenant in Cisco Cloud APIC for AWS two items are required.

  1. The Tenant Name
  2. The AWS Account ID to associate the Tenant with.

When executing using Terraform this requires 2 resources to be defined to simplify further this simple module takes in the required variables and creates the new tenant.
Using this module one could manage multiple tenants as part of a terraform plan.

Cloud APIC Tenant Creation workflow (manual)

Accessed in GUI Application Management > Tenants > Actions >> Create Tenant


Example AWS Tenant Creation

Using the module creates the tenant with the supplied name and Account ID. The output provides the DN of the created tenant for use in additional modules or resources.


module "aws_aci_tenant" {
  source             = "rjohnston6/cloud-apic-tenant/aci"
  version            = "v0.1.0"
  tenant_name        = "terraform_tenant"
  tenant_description = "Created with Terraform" # Optional
  aws_account = {
    id         = "123456789012"
    is_trusted = "yes"


Would like to acknowledge Marina Ferreira's repo marinalf/cloudaci-demo-terraform-aws. The work from this repo provides additional information on deploying components in Cloud ACI.


Name Version
aci >=2.2.1


Name Version
aci >=2.2.1


Name Description Type Default Required
tenant_name Name of managed tenant. string n/a yes
tenant_description Optional description for managed tenant. string null no
aws_account AWS Account ID to associate tenant with and trusted state (yes/no), see Cisco Cloud APIC User Guide for more details
id = string
is_trusted = string
n/a yes


Name Description
aci_tenant_dn Outputs the newly created Tenant ID for consumption in subsequent modules or resources


Name Type
aci_cloud_aws_provider.capic_aws_provider resource
aci_tenant.tenant resource
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