Cisco DNA Center ISE Health Check

Cisco DNA-C and Cisco ISE Communication Health Check from Console
Sometimes Cisco DNA-C fails to communicate with Cisco ISE with Error on Application level.
This script helps you to verify that the communication paths between Cisco DNA-C and Cisco ISE is working (non-Application level)

- Cisco DNA Center Console access (ssh maglev@ -p 2222)
- Internet Connectivity on DNA Center (Cloud Enabled)
- DNA Center downloads this container image from Public Docker Registry (
Login to Cisco DNA-C
ssh maglev@<dnac-ip-address> -p 2222
Run script
docker run -it --rm robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-ise-healthcheck && docker rmi robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-ise-healthcheck
Enter Cisco ISE FQDN (then hit ENTER)
Enter host (FQDN):
Run script with host flag
docker run -it --rm robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-ise-healthcheck -host && docker rmi robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-ise-healthcheck
If you need to manually build the script on the host.
(Important that you predownload golang:1.9.2-alpine3.7 from
docker pull golang:1.9.2-alpine3.7
docker build -t robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-ise-healthcheck .
Technologies & Frameworks Used
Cisco Products & Services:
- Cisco DNA Center
- Cisco ISE
Tools & Frameworks:
Authors & Maintainers
Cisco ISE Port Reference

Cisco ISE 2.6 Installation Guide
Ports Used by the Administration Nodes
- Administration
- HTTP: TCP/80, HTTPS: TCP/443 (TCP/80 redirected to TCP/443; not configurable)
- SSH Server: TCP/22
- External RESTful Services (ERS) REST API: TCP/9060
Ports Used by the pxGrid Service Node
- Administration
- SSL: TCP/5222 (Inter-Node Communication)
- SSL: TCP/7400 (Node Group Communication)
- pxGrid Subscribers
This project is licensed to you under the terms of the Cisco Sample
Code License.
Use Case
This script assists in troubleshooting connection failures between Cisco DNA Center and Cisco ISE. This script verifies that the communication paths are working on the network level. This script does not diagnose issues on the application level.
You can use a Docker command to download the script, connect to
, and delete the script when the operation is complete.
docker run -it --rm robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-ise-healthcheck -host && docker rmi robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-ise-healthcheck