

How to retrieve the firewall inspect counter values, store firewall inspect count values in a Time Series Database (TSDB) Influx DB and plot it on to Grafana Dashboard.

Install and Setup

Clone the code to local machine.

git clone
cd sdwan-integration-with-influxdb-grafana

Setup Python Virtual Environment (requires Python 3.7+)

python3.7 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Influxdb Installation

Install Influxdb - brew install influxdb

Grafana Installation

Install Grafana - brew install grafana

Verify homebrew/services is installed before starting the Grafana service - brew tap homebrew/services

Start Grafana service - brew services start grafana

Resource URL Structure Components

In order to retrieve firewall statistics i.e. inspect count, drop count we need to use the resource URL "/statistics/fwall/aggregation"

URL : https://vmanage-ip:port/dataservice/statistics/fwall/aggregation

Component Description
http:// or https:// Protocol over which data is sent between client and server
Server or Host Resolves to the IP and port to which to connect, example : "vmanage-ip:port"
Resource The location of the data or object of interest, example : "statistics/fwall/aggregation"

Now let’s start using the python script to fetch the firewall inspect and drop count by using below steps

  • login and authenticate to a vManage instance
  • Build Query to specify the rules and how to collect firewall statistics.
  • Perform the POST operation by sending query in payload

In order to retrieve the firewall statistics we need to send Query which describes how statistics should be aggregated.

Now let's define the Query which can be used to collect firewall statistics using POST operation on Resource URL "/dataservice/statistics/fwall/aggregation"

Query Payload


  • Below example query retrieves firewall inspect count values for last 24 hours from all network devices in fabric.

  • The aggregation portion of the query determines how data is bucketized/grouped.

  • Here, the statistics are aggregated in 30 mins intervals across the span of 24 hours.

"aggregation": {			                # Defines how statistics are bucketized  
"metrics": [
        "property": "fw_total_insp_count",  # Bucketized based on property for example   
        "type": "sum",                        firewall total inspect packet count
        "order": "desc"
    "histogram": {.                         # Time interval is 30 mins
      "property": "entry_time",
      "type": "minute",
      "interval": 30,
      "order": "asc"
  "query": {
    "condition": "AND",         # Aggregated data must match both the rules specified below
    "rules": [
        "value": [
          "24"				                Rule #1: Statistics from the last 24 hours
        "field": "entry_time",
        "type": "date",
        "operator": "last_n_hours"
        "value": [
          "total"			                Rule #2: Total packets count for firewall inspect
        "field": "type",
        "type": "string",
        "operator": "in"

Using the above query let's perform POST operation on URI to retrieve the firewall inspect count statistics for last 24 hours in intervals of 30 mins.

POST Operation

To fetch the ZBF inspect packet count or drop count we need to perform POST operation by sending the query in payload.

Sample Response

entry_time values are in epoch format and correspending key fw_total_insp_count contains the firewall inspect count value at that entry_time.

Firewall Inspect count

"data": [ { "entry_time": 1552807800000, "count": 92, "fw_total_insp_count": 278 }, { "entry_time": 1552806000000, "count": 360, "fw_total_insp_count": 1050 }, { "entry_time": 1552804200000, "count": 360, "fw_total_insp_count": 1052 }, { "entry_time": 1552802400000, "count": 360, "fw_total_insp_count": 1051 }, <snip>

Influx DB:

  • InfluxDB is an open-source time series database which is optimized for fast, high-availability storage and retrieval of time series data in fields such as operations monitoring, application metrics, Internet of Things sensor data, and real-time analytics. It provides a SQL-like language with built-in time functions for querying a data structure composed of measurements, series, and points

  • Grafana is an open-source platform to build monitoring and analytics dashboards.

Here, we are using InfluxDB as a datasource for Grafana to plot the information on dashboard.

Connect to InfluxDB


Run the command influx to connect to influx DB CLI and create database to store firewall inspect count values

Sample Response

$ influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version v1.7.6
InfluxDB shell version: v1.7.6
Enter an InfluxQL query


In Influx CLI prompt, run the command CREATE DATABASE firewall_inspect to create firewall_inspect database.

Create command doesn't produce any output, but when we run SHOW DATABASES command we can see it in the list


Run command SHOW DATABASES to see the created firewall_inspect database.

Sample Response

name: databases

_internal firewall_inspect


Now run the command python3 to retrieve the statistics from vManage and insert the data in to InfluxDB.

Here we have retrieved 49 firewall inspect count samples for last 24 hours and have written that data in to Influx DB.

Sample Response

Create a retention policy
Write points #: 49

Now let's plot these firewall inspect count values on a Grafana dashboard


Note: Below screenshots are for Grafana version 6.1.6


Use web browser and login to Grafana at http://localhost:3000/ (Username/Password:admin/admin) . After login, we will see below home screen.



Select Add Data Sources and select Influx DB.



Provide Influx DB details i.e. URL, username/password i.e. admin/admin and Database name i.e. firewall_inspect.



Select Save and Test option and check if Data source is working.


Create a Dashboard


Create Dashboard by selecting New dashboard option



Select Add Query and define Query to retrieve the values from database.


We have to query firewall_inspect_count values from Influx DB using below conditions.

FROM : default,firewall_inspect_count

GROUP BY : time($_interval),fill(linear)

Now Grafana sends query to influx DB and plots the graph on Dashboard as seen below.


  • Above graph corresponds to this below plot on vmanage. At 27 June 2019, 3.30 AM IST, we can see the firewall inspect count value as 2539 which is same value as seen on vManage.

Firewall Inspect Count Chart


Firewall Inspect Count Details


Use Case

In the Cisco SD-WAN solution management component, vManage exposes the REST APIs. vManage UI is API driven which means any action we do on vManage UI would have associated RESTful API call. Using vManage REST APIs, we can export Alarms, Events, Statistics, etc. from vManage to any 3rd Party Applications/Tools. By leveraging vManage REST APIs we can export statistics/counters from vManage to any Devops tools.


  • Retrieve the firewall inspect counter values.
  • Use Influx DB to store these values.
  • Plot a graph on Grafana Dashboard using this.

The “open platform for beautiful analytics and monitoring,” Grafana supports various backends that store time-series data. One of those backends is InfluxDB. InfluxDB is a time-series database built specifically for storing time-series data, and Grafana is a visualization tool for time series data. Given this perfect match, Grafana has tight integration with InfluxDB.

You can edit the variables in the environment to point to your own vManage instance.

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