

1. What do the tools do?

  • This SDWAN tools help user to quickly export device config data to a .json file. And user can edit it by text editor, and then push the config back to vManage;
  • This tool can get and push the devices with CLI templates as well as Feature templates;
  • This tool supports single tenant vManage as well as Multi-tenant vManage.
  • The script helps user to quickly create site-list, tloc-list and control policy, and assemble them together to create a vSmart policy.

2. How to Run the Script?

Prerequirment: please install requests module.

%pip install requests
%git clone
%cd Cisco-sdwan-config-tool/

(1) Setup the environment

  1. Please rename the to
    And edit the server information.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

server_list = [
        "server_name": "chusdwan",
        "hostname": "",
        "port": 443,
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "xd13ddcdd",
        "tenant": [
                "name": "T1"
                "name": "T2"
                "name": "T3"
        "server_name": "dcloudrtp",
        "hostname": "",
        "port": 443,
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "sxddwedd",
        "tenant": "single_tenant_mode"
  1. You need to set the environment by running _python3 set env
Cisco-sdwan-tools % python set env
Please choose the server you want to connect.
(0) chusdwan
(1) dcloudrtp
Choose your server:**0**
Please choose the tenant.
(0) T1
(1) T2
(2) T3
Choose your tenant:**0**
Set env to chusdwan
  1. You can check the current env by running _python3 show env
The current environment are:
Server name: chusdwan
Tenant: T1

(2) Export, Edit and Push the Config back

  1. Export the json data of the CLI config from vManage by running python3 sdwan_tools get device_sn
    For example:
    Cisco-sdwan-tools % python3 get 1920C539181628S

Please make sure you input the right SN, as the script does not handle input errors.

The json data will be written to file 1920C539181628S.json

  "csv-status": "complete",
  "csv-deviceId": "1920C539181628S",
  "csv-deviceIP": "",
  "csv-host-name": "XXXX-LAB",
  "host-name": "XXXXLAB-F4-TEST",
  "system-ip-address": "",
  "siteid": "202946001",
  "organization-name": "\"XXXX SDWAN T1\"",
  "vbond-address": "X.X.X.X",
  "controller-name": "\"XXXX\"",
  "admin-name": "admin",
  "admin-password": "XXXX",
  "cellular": "\nomp\n no shutdown\n graceful-restart\n advertise connected\n advertise static",
  "WAN_Port_Name": "ge0/4",
  "WAN_TYPE_INFO": "\nshaping-rate 2048\nip address\n  tunnel-interface\n   encapsulation ipsec\n   no allow-service bgp\n   allow-service dhcp\n   allow-service dns\n   allow-service icmp\n   no allow-service sshd\n   no allow-service netconf\n   no allow-service ntp\n   no allow-service ospf\n   no allow-service stun\n  !\n  no shutdown\n  !\n  ip route\n !",
  "cellular_interface": "",
  "VPN1": "\nvpn 100\n interface ge0/2\n  ip address\n  no   shutdown\n !\n",
  "VPN2": "!",
  "VPN3": "!",
  "VPN4": "!"

Then you can edit it.

Here is a script to help you to convert the multi-line texts to the requried data format.

multilin_str = '''vpn 0
 dns primary
 interface ge0/4
  ip dhcp-client
  pppoe-client ppp-interface ppp1
  no shutdown
 interface ppp1
  ppp authentication chap
   hostname 86152074
   password xxxxx
   encapsulation ipsec
   color biz-internet restrict
   no allow-service bgp
   allow-service dhcp
   allow-service dns
   allow-service icmp
   no allow-service sshd
   no allow-service netconf
   no allow-service ntp
   no allow-service ospf
   no allow-service stun
   allow-service https
  mtu      1492
  no shutdown
str_list = multilin_str.splitlines()

for string in str_list:
    print(string, end='\\n')

The output will be:

vpn 0\n dns primary\n interface ge0/4\n ip dhcp-client\n pppoe-client ppp-interface ppp1\n no shutdown\n !\n interface ppp1\n ppp authentication chap\n hostname 86152074\n password xxxxx\n !\n tunnel-interface\n encapsulation ipsec\n color biz-internet restrict\n no allow-service bgp\n allow-service dhcp\n allow-service dns\n allow-service icmp\n no allow-service sshd\n no allow-service netconf\n no allow-service ntp\n no allow-service ospf\n no allow-service stun\n allow-service https\n !\n mtu 1492\n no shutdown\n !\n!\n

Added a new script --, which can convert the csv file exported from vManage to json data file.

python3 example.csv

  1. Push the json data to vManage by running python3 sdwan_tools push device_sn
    Cisco-sdwan-tools % python3 push 1920C539181628S
....Output omitted
  vpn 0
   interface ge0/4
    ip address
     encapsulation ipsec
     no allow-service bgp
     allow-service dhcp
     allow-service dns
     allow-service icmp
     no allow-service sshd
     no allow-service netconf
     no allow-service ntp
     no allow-service ospf
     no allow-service stun
     allow-service https
    no shutdown
    shaping-rate 2048
   ip route
  vpn 100
   interface ge0/2
    ip address
    no shutdown
  vpn 512
   interface ge0/0
    ip address
    no shutdown

Please check and confirm the configuration...(y/n):y

It will return the job_id and track the job status.

sample output:

Job summary ==========
 Job Status: Success
Job activies:
[12-Nov-2019 22:13:35 CST] Configuring device with cli template: Box
[12-Nov-2019 22:13:35 CST] Generating configuration from template
[12-Nov-2019 22:13:35 CST] Checking and creating device in vManage
[12-Nov-2019 22:13:37 CST] Device is online
[12-Nov-2019 22:13:37 CST] Updating device configuration in vManage
[12-Nov-2019 22:13:38 CST] Pushing configuration to device
[12-Nov-2019 22:13:55 CST] Template successfully attached to device

(3) Other small tools:

  1. show run function. python3 sdwan_tools show_run device_sn
    You can quickly get the running config and save to files.
    Cisco-sdwan-tools % python show_run 1920C539181628S
...Output omitted...
 no shutdown
 advertise connected
 advertise static
vpn 0
 interface ge0/4
  ip address
   encapsulation ipsec
   no allow-service bgp
   allow-service dhcp
   allow-service dns
   allow-service icmp
   no allow-service sshd
   no allow-service netconf
   no allow-service ntp
   no allow-service ospf
   no allow-service stun
   allow-service https
  no shutdown
  shaping-rate 2048
 ip route
vpn 100
 interface ge0/2
  ip address
  no shutdown
vpn 512
 interface ge0/0
  ip address
  no shutdown
  1. Get DPI aggregated info.
    This is just for fun.
    python3 dpi info
    "entry_time": 1573551900000,
    "count": 3,
    "family": "mail",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 675
    "entry_time": 1573551900000,
    "count": 1,
    "family": "tunneling",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 3666
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 236,
    "family": "network-service",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 21096
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 123,
    "family": "network-service",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 21039
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 80,
    "family": "network-service",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 13874
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 26,
    "family": "network-service",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 12223
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 12,
    "family": "network-service",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 1642
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 26,
    "family": "network-service",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 1606
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 7,
    "family": "network-service",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 412
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 40,
    "family": "web",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 1274630
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 60,
    "family": "web",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 1049143
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 47,
    "family": "web",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 905876
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 40,
    "family": "web",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 415718
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 6,
    "family": "web",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 7460
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 1,
    "family": "web",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 516
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 1,
    "family": "standard",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 245509
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 46,
    "family": "standard",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 47940
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 6,
    "family": "standard",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 3167
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 2,
    "family": "mail",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 862
    "entry_time": 1573551600000,
    "count": 1,
    "family": "tunneling",
    "vdevice_name": "",
    "octets": 7760

(4) The sdwan_policy tool

This script will read the site_data.json, and get the site data.

      "site": "Chengdu",
      "site_number": "35",
      "POP_siteId": "135"
      "site": "Wuhan",
      "site_number": "36",
      "POP_siteId": "136"
      "site": "Shenzhen",
      "site_number": "31",
      "POP_siteId": "131"
      "site": "Beijing",
      "site_number": "10",
      "POP_siteId": "100"
      "site": "Shanghai",
      "site_number": "20",
      "POP_siteId": "101"
      "site": "Guangzhou",
      "site_number": "30",
      "POP_siteId": "102"
  "OLD_SITES": [],
  "TO_BE_ADDED": []

This script will do the following things:

  • Read the site data, and create the BOX and POP site list for each site. Some rules are followed, for example, the POP site-ids are defined in the data, and BOX site-ids are converted from the POP site-id.

  • Create TLOC list for each BOX site, the system-ips of POP site are converted from the POP site-ids, for example and are for Beijing POP site.

  • Create customized topology policies, set next hop of all boxes to the POP sites.

  • Combine the policies and site-list to create vSmart policy.

    To run the script:

    python3 sdwan_policy policy add
    python3 sdwan_policy policy clear

    Have fun.

3. Caveats

This tool's task is spesific, maily uses the requests module to do the job.
It requires user to input the right information, such as hostname, username, password and device_sn.

4. Questions and Contact Info

If you have any issues or a pull request, you can submit a Issue or contact me directly。

My Cisco CEC ID is: werao

5. License

This project is licensed to you under the terms of the Cisco Sample Code License.

6. Acknowledgments

  • Getting Started with Cisco SD-WAN REST APIs
    • git clone
  • Cisco SD-WAN EXIM (Export and Import)
    • git clone
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